The skies are so dark and gloomy this morning and it’s had a bit of a rain. I’m just thankful I don’t have to go anywhere!
I have no cleaning to do so i’ll spend the day in my work space I think! Does anyone else plan on having a creative day today?
Suzzie I read your post in yesterdays topic, I laughed because an old song popped into my head, remember the song by The Shamens, Move any mountain? LOL!
Glad you managed to shift it!!
Have a nice day everyone. x 
Morning Kelly
Dark & gloomy here too. 
Oh crikey that tune is a blast from the past. Haven’t heard that one in yonks 
I’m hoping to list something new later, but I don’t think I will get time today to get creative and make new things.
Have a lovely day
Morning Karen,
I haven’t heard it for years myself and I’m not sure it’s something I would want to listen to now as I’m much, much older!
Hope you manage to list your new item. I already have your shop added to my favourites anyway so i’ll pop by this evening and have a look. 
Enjoy your day! K x
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Aww thanks Kelly. I’ve added you to my favourites too as your tags are super dee dooper 
Thanks sweetie x @karenscraftybitz
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