Well as you can see I’ve been up since silly o’clock, the cat was sick, and just as I had finished cleaning it all up, he did it again on the bottom stair! Hubby who had an early start, but not that early, now wants to… the cat. So made a cuppa tea, to settle everyone’s nerves and have watched the dawn break though the wet sky, hope the light will be good to take photos, as I have finally finished The hottie!
Hope everyone wakes to a bright and fulfilling day,
Suzzie x
That sounds like a great start to the day Suzzie @thistledownandHOPE.
Awake but lazing in bed with a huge mug of coffee. Think I will be spending the morning running around after my daughter who is off to France for a week at lunchtime and hasn’t even thought about packing yet. In fact she has only just given me some washing that she needs doing before she goes!
But this afternoon is mine…
Spend the afternoon wisely, you know how the time will just disappear, you deserve a little ‘me’ time after emergency washing.
Suzzie x
Good morning all,
I hope you had a profitable weekend like me - it was the final weekend of the open studios and dispite the terrible weather lots of people came out. I’m now on the second cup of tea (soon to make the third, didn’t sleep well last night) and contemplating sorting out paper work and updating my newsletter email address list before moving on to listing all the new items I made. If I stay awake through all of that I need to finish adding tags to all my existing listings and see about re doing some of the photos argh! My other option is going to the allotment to do some weeding but maybe not today…
Sasha, I think if you stay in drinking tea 'till 10ish, the weather picks up a tad, and you could find a few brighter hours this afternoon, that is what the Met office say!
I would dearly love to pick my blackcurrant bushes clean, but only after I have listed. It’s all in the discipline!
Suzzie x
Good morning everyone,
We have finally broken up from school and I now have my workroom back (my son has been down for the weekend). I can at last start on my plans to expand my inventory - I’m hoping it will brighten up in a bit to take photos. I’ve kicked the cat off my office chair (he thinks it’s a rather nice bed), and he’s now sleeping peacefully on the real bed. I also need to dig up some nettles and deal with the brambles that have taken over again since half term…
Good morning everybody ,hope you all had a good weekend.
I am just off to work ,then back home to make a child’s bag for my neighbours daughter , then trying to work and think what my next make is.
Good morning…just had my second cup of tea.
Some paperwork to sort out this morning (when dressed!) and then up to my sewing room.
I also need to re take some photo’s…been putting it off…it’s the bit I don’t like.
You get dressed to do your paper work - I’ve been doing mine in my PJs - the paper/ computer can’t tell.
Morning everyone,
Sorry to hear about you’re cat Suzzie, @thistledownandHOPE poor kitty. Glad you managed to get the hottie finished, looking forward to seeing it.
Roz @Rozcraftz you made me laugh! Clothes washed and dried before lunch time, bless you!
Glad you done well at the open studio Sasha @SashaGarrett, you deserve it!
Kim @KBCreations, what will you be making once you get into you’re sewing room? Hope it will become Christmas time in there!
Rhiannon @RhiannonRoseJewellery glad you have you’re workroom back to yourself, especially the office chair! lol
Pauline @Fredas, how about some Christmas products for you’re shop? lol, I’m trying to get everyone doing it!
Well I won’t be around today until this evening as I’m going to look at a property in Wales, yay! Will check in when I’m back home. Have a nice day. x
Well I’m now onto my third week of the summer holidays! And so far I’ve really just spent most of my time at my allotment enjoying the weather and trying to work my way through all the things that need doing there.
However this week is a different kind of week! Normally we do quite well at avoiding horrible weather (I’m in Tynemouth- on the coast 6 miles from Newcastle) but this week the forecast just looks nasty. Today it’s meant to chuck it down literally all day- so no allotment for me- though perfect excuse to spend the day in my studio getting some printing done!
Hope everyone has a good week!!
Good morning All!
I am sorry to hear your cat was sick Suzzie! I had a smiliar morning! Woke up to dog poo in the study (hasn’t done that for months) and a pile of sick too! He is my daughters dog so I made her clear it up! Naughty mum am I!
Off into town to get some last minute holiday bits as I am off later in the week!
Hope you all have good week!
Good Morning all! Finally online, but no idea for how long 3 years old running wild around the house plus some house works needs to be dealt with
I still missing some tags in my listings and I think some I used are not good, but better something then nothing on the end of day… Had 8 views yesterday which is ok for new and rather small shop (I think)… Really need to find time to make some new items and listings
Hello everyone
I feel so lazy this morning. and I don’t.quiet know we’re yesterday went.
Thanks sash @SashaGarrett I tried the hoover thing it.worked so.well I just hoovered the table and put all beads in a box ready.to sort.out.
I’m still sorting through things but it’s looking so much better.
Today I’m hopefully going into town with my sister but she is saying it isn’t nicentre enough and we should just go to asda.
Not really what I wanted to do. As I haven’t been out properly in nearly two weeks.
I’m not counting hospital trips as going out. Hahaha.
Just fancy looking round the shops not food shopping. booooo
I have two more pairs of earrings that need listing today.
Bit sad and frustrated - have been waiting for order of beads and package arrived today but all that was inside was a bright orange tape measure! Serves me right for ordering cheap from China!
That’s terrible roz @Rozcraftz
Can you contact them? If you ordered them off you nowhere bay contact them if they don’t reply start a case you will receive your items pretty quickly after.
Kelly, @tagpress, I’ve finally done it, its in the shop!!
That is such a relief, I can now go and knit some new design ideas I have stored up in my little brain,
Roz @Rozcraftz that is despicable, you must take photos, so you have some evidence.
Suzzie x
Its OK, the site I order through has a refund system so wasn’t too worried but I have been in touch with company and they admit they sent the wrong order so are going to send again. Just that I have to wait another 2-3 weeks before I get it. Will have to think of something else to make while I wait for them to arrive.
Daughter on way to France (clothes washed and dried in time!). First scarf of the day in progress. Happy days
Rhiannon 1: Brambles 0. Have cut down an impressive pile of brambles, pulled up a load of nettles and my OH has cut down a lot of bits of trees. And I listed a bracelet, caught up on my promotions and cleaned the world’s most disgusting kitchen sink (mine). But I still have my chair to myself, the lovely ginger boy is still fast asleep on the bed!