Not sure thos the correct section so please forgive me but anyway
I was looking through my shop stats and can see lots of hits from folsky fb etc but only 1 visit from google . I was just wondering am i alone in this or does everyone else have very low google hits ?
Any hints n tips welcome
One thing I’ve noticed with google/ search engines is that they will often return a (relevant) category page rather than a specific item page. So the traffic flow to your shop would be google - category page - your listing which would show up as Folksy on the stats rather than google.
On Item visit data Google is way way down on Folksy but at shop level . … much closer
This past week anyway
Not the very best of figures for an established shop but there you are
@JOYSofGLASS you have 19 more google hits than i lol
I just had a look at mine, had a huge 2 shop visits and 9 item views from google …rubbish isn’t it and probably half of those are from myself
292 item viaits
134 shop visits
@Bearlescent Im my best visitor too we should swap
I sometimes use google to find pictures to download…when I’m making a replacement to stick on my pattern for reference… might be me
if I’m on the desktop which hasn’t got my Joysofglass enormous folder containing all glass stuff since the year dot on it
Mind you I then have to copy paste as have no avif convertor on the desktop… What a faff !
Fortunately i am exceedingly googleable
I just checked mine, pretty poor showing from Google - I do show up on Google but obviously not getting click through. Also, it’s really low from Pinterest - which surprised me as I’ve been quite successful there in the past.
Interesting comment about Google focusing on categories, I guess if we get people to come to the site we all have a chance of being seen through search - I seem to have good traffic from within Folksy itself, as well as the forums
Ha ha yes good idea
That’s a lot of visitors Sharon…wonder where i am going wrong…i do update my Bearlescent google profile (now and again) with new products so I bet all 9 of mine are from myself
what’s your secret
My image was of item views Debby, not shop visits. I went for that as it showed a low google and pinterest score. Aklso, lots of visits and views is not typical for me - February was an unusual month with higher sales than I normally see. Not complaining, but I’m not sure it will continue.
Ah I see,
Oh I hope it does continue…yes to more sales Sharon.
I’ve never really bothered with my stats but I was just reading an old post or thread (not sure what they are called on here) and someone mentioned they use the stats to see which items are the most popular and then make things similar…what a good idea i thought
But on the occasions I have checked them my new items are the ones that always get the most views, obviously because I add them to the forum, put them on social media etc but I do always have views for rabbits that I knitted a couple of years ago…possibly from pinterest. So it’s making me wonder whether to do some again, maybe in 2025. I am going to try and remember to check my stats regularly and keep notes of what people are looking at other than my new items.
Interesting. I’ve six shop visits from google and 4 item visits. I do have a google maps business profile with a very few items listed (It’s nearly always out of date) and do get traffic to folksy from there. I’m assuming these count as google traffic? I could look and match the stats
I’m building up a good set of reviews on Google and that is really good for SEO. . Two lovely ones last week ,
I had a message this morning from someone wanting to buy a bear, they are new in the village and asked if they could collect to save the postage, so I said yes. When they came to the door I asked how they found me and they said they had gone onto google maps to see what, if anything was in the village and Bearlescent showed up. I was really pleased to see that adding myself to google maps had paid off.
Brilliant pleased it worked for you