Hiya. Just wondering what your Google search is like. I have had 5 over the past week, which I’m pleased at. So I’m getting seen there, sadly no sales but fingers crossed.
I don’t usually look as I don’t pay a lot of attention to stats - but we’ve had 9, alongside 59 via Folksy and 1 direct. No idea how that compares to any other weeks.
Your folksy has a higher hit than me, well done . Think I had 9 and a few from elsewhere, not great really is it
To be honest I don’t know as I don’t usually look. I’ve not long since found this information.
I find this one most useful. But wished it was daily and not over 7 days tho @ccbandatp
I don’t take much notice of mine either, usually most visits are from Folksy, just looked and only 1 google visit to my shop and 9 visits to items. I do wonder if half my visits are from myself because every time i pop back to folksy and to my shop I have to sign in therefore they may show in stats. I find the most interesting bit is the countries people have visited from.
Mine say 178 item visits
87 shop visits and 18 search clicks
I have no idea how they compare to other peoples so don’t know whether they are good or not and don’t know what they have been previously to compare them. How do people use the stats to help their business ?
From what I understand, our visits don’t count. And I’m also getting Facebook and Pinterest visits.
Yes I have visits from elsewhere as well included in those figures, but I thought perhaps if we arn’t signed in to our account when we browse oor own shop thise visits might count in the stats. Have to admit I don’t look very often at theml
This is a bit odd, when I look at Folksy stats no mention of Google but on Google analytics shows 19 visits via Google.
Must admit my reach was better when I blogged weekly. Something I have got out if doing. Found as use Blooger.com helped me get higher up the Google searches. Think must start again.
I’m a “take life as it comes” sort of person - infuriating for some I know, but I don’t usually check stats - I’d never even looked there until very recently. I know we get sales through google as we have this year been asking people how they found us - and quite a few have been through google searches - especially my rush work.
Stats show all visits were either from Folksy or direct.
0 visits from Google.
When I google my stuff, Folksy usually comes up first.
I find the stats useful, even if simplistic; gives me an idea about what kind of items have attracted clicks (and conversely, those that haven’t). The original paintings seem to get more attention than the cards, for example.
It’s also summer now, I guess people are off out and about. I had over ninety views during one of my early weeks, but almost all were via Folksy… it’s now down to single figures…and I haven’t posted or painted much this month; it’s summer downtime.
I don’t use Google analytics, I don’t even have a Gargoyle membership. There are better stats programs than theirs about, but I assume you have to have access to the webpage code in order to insert the functioning counter/code snippet.
That’s interesting, I’ve never done a blog, hopefully one day I will start, I’m sure there was a post somewhere from Folksy about doing them just need more time to fit it all in but if it makes a difference to visitors it might be worth trying
I used to do Blog Hops peach week a bit like the daily challenge, where you visited every blog in the hoo, left a comment etc.
I always found the items I blogged about would appear on the first line of the Google searches on the image section, hope that makes sense. I did try to get a blog hop started here but no interest. Most of the hops are US based when really we need UK based.
The problem is a blog takes a lot of time and commitment and for me I would prefer to spend my time creating. I find whenever I have to do something the less I enjoy it. Plus I do no do well under pressure which is one of the reasons I turn down nominations for post etc as I find it too stressful. However if I not under any commitment to write / promote I find I enjoy it and tend to put a lot more effort into it.
I’m guessing it is because I do not like being told I have to do something, it’s the rebel in me lol
I suppose it is time consuming if you have to visit a lot of them but I might try and start a blog, I think it’s just doing the first one then it would be ok, I will have a look for the info Folksy had on it, I’m certain they gave us ideas of things to post about or perhaps that was a newsletter, I need to do that as well, it’s just having time to do them, I struggle to keep up with Facebook visits .
I am the opposite and work better under pressure. Maybe because the work I did was very pressurised and had no option but to do the work or resign. If I have a list of things ‘to do’ always complete them. I like structure in my life, knowing what I have to do each day and the time. Always writing lists in detail if a lot on. Something satisfactory about ticking a completed task off.
When part of the US network every Monday had Show & Tell, used to get anything from 50 upwards blogs to visit but did my online profile the power of good through Google searches.
Just looked at mine - 17 from google 3 of which were for my shop. I am linked to google analytics but rarely look at them.