Folksy stats & google analytics

I have to say I’m no expert when it comes to statistics but for the past 24 hrs I’ve been closely monitoring my google statistics in real time and this is what I’ve found.

Every time I go into my shop to copy a product link for networking / promoting purposes, it counts as 2 visits in the stats ie 1 visit to the shop and another visit to the product. So . . .

I post products 3 times in our FB group that = 6 visits
I post products 3 times in the forum that = 6 visits
I post products 3 times on social media = 6 visits

So it’s no wonder that the more I network and post my products in the forum the more visits I get because a lot of them are my own!
I think what I’m trying to say here is that when looking at our stats we need to take into account our own activity for that day and I reckon that is what most of the Misc visits are :flushed:

What do you think? Am I barking up the wrong tree here? :wink:

Unfortunately you are right. Visits from your own shop are counted here. I used to worry about this, but nowadays the only statistics I look at are sales and revenue!

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Thank you for your reply, I think I’ll have to do the same as you because otherwise I’ll be spending more time analysing than creating :joy:

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I take little notice of Google figures apart from amusing myself if something shows as ‘being sold’ to try to work out who to.
On a day to day basis, for big companies, it’s essential to know where your customer base is so you know how to target your promotion .
For the rest of us it’s more important to know we have a customer or two.


You’re so right too Joy, love the last bit, it did make me chuckle :joy:
I think my main reason for looking at my google stats is that they seem to be more informative and I need to know I’m being found because if I’m not then I’m doing something wrong and I need to put it right :wink:

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Rather than looking at the overall numbers for your shop (which can get skewed by your own activities like updating photos or finding listings to promote) focus in on the items you are promoting - remembering to mentally subtract your own view from the data. If you have promoted item X on facebook and it got no views (other than your own) but item Y which was promoted on instagram got 5 extra views and a favourite then it should start telling you things about the best way to reach your target audience. Once you have a pattern you can start dialing back on the less effective social medias and the amount of stat analysis you do.
If someone clicks on a link whilst using a social media app then they will show up under misc as they have to leave the app and go into chrome to complete the action and the starting point gets lost.


Thank you so much Sasha, I thought that someone using the fb app would register under the fb stats but what you’ve said makes sense so thanks again for explaining it more clearly :wink:

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