Anyone else having problems creating posts on their FB business page tonight.
As soon as I try to start typing the post it closes up. I can advertise a job or
go live but a normal post (where I want to promote today’s new glass listed on here) is just not getting anywhere.
I’m getting totally cheesed off (that’s polite) with FB. It now takes my 5 minutes to actually find any messages / comments so I can respond and tonight I discovered it has downloaded about 1500 .png stickers to the memory (not be spacious SD card) of my Android phone.
If I didn’t need Facebook I would Bin It.
PS It just let me post again. Must have heard me cursing Mr Facebook !
I find FB infuriating. I hate the stupid thing. I just want to see if I have any flaming messages, yet it insists on showing me Insights into every damn thing before I can even find the right bit. It’s a right old pain in the bahooky. It’s really not worth the effort any more. All these blimming changes they keep forcing through, whether I want them or not, mean I see nothing of anything, just their chuffing adverts for crud that I don’t want, would never want and now I’m all ranty and cross and I’ll have to go make myself a cup of tea…
It’s just taken me 5 minutes to sort out my morning ‘inbox’. Instagram comments I’ve responded to… but have to mark as Done and comments on my posts which are hidden away so I have to play hide and seek to find them.
Right, that’s it, I’m opening a bottle of wine for us all - stupid, stupid Facebook, getting everyone cross and frustrated with your irritating ways and stupid ‘improvement’s’, and your hidden ‘must tick done’ messages, and I don’t like your blue colour either, so there!
It is a bit of a pain, a lot of work with not much visibility. However I did get a sale from Facebook last week which was very unexpected but she clicked the link on my item and it brought her to folksy to buy her item. So I shall try and stick with it x
I had an order from the US today. Problem paying email…not a surprise as only got Uk postage set. I cancelled the order and set USA postage on the relisted item and emailed customer to say what I’d done and with the listing link.
Order / Payment popped in in minutes .
Lovely email later thanking me for being so fast and saying she had seen her daughter commenting on my glass on Facebook.
This is just to illustrate why I put a lot of effort into Facebook promotion. It works for me.