This started yesterday, I left it overnight to see if it righted itself but still the same today.
I am able to log onto Folksy, see my shop, everyone else’s shop, forum, everything, but as soon as I want to look at an individual item, it does not connect.
I asked hubs to try on his laptop and everything is normal.
Can anyone suggest what the problem might be please? Neither of us is particularly tech-savvy so I wanted to ask advice before I start messing about with things.
Hiya, have you cleared your cache, done a clean of your computer browsing etc, that may help x
I have no idea how to do either but I will find out and try. Thank you. xxx
search online for a free version of wisecare 360 you will need to download and install, then you are ready to use it, its very easy to use, you can click on scan and this will scan your pc and show you how many items need fixing, click on fix and it will do it all for you, make sure its from wisecares own page, and there should be a closed padlock on the left of the screen ( to say its a safe site)
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Thank you @JacquelineOJewellery, you are a star.
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I should have said that I use a Mac, it didn’t want anything to do with wisecare !
But I looked up the help pages at Apple and managed to do as you suggested. Still no joy, so hubs asked if I had tried turning off and on again, (which I hadn’t ) but I tried that and it’s all OK now! And super-fast!
Thanks again for your help, I have learned a lot this morning, I know how to keep this contraption up to speed now.
good to hear you sorted it, your day was productive then lol x
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