Shop gone awol Help!

Is there shop maintenance today, I cant view my shop, It was fine about 15 mins ago now it’s gone awol, will someone be willing to see if they can view it
Jax x

No, I’ve tried your link and can’t view your shop properly. Mine was like this last night, the only way I could get to my shop was by clicking one of the listings on my dashboard.

Oh dear, thanks for your reply,
has it resolved his morning

I noticed last night that they’ve all gone a bit weird. Everything’s in single file on the left!


yep lin and it looks a right mess lol
looks like i’ll have to report it :slight_smile:

It looks ok to me.

Hi Christine,
How strange, I wonder if some browsers are responding differently :-\

Just had a look and it seems fine to me - I use Chrome

Jane x

Thanks Jane, maybe it is browser connected, just a theory lol
I’m on Firefox, is anyone else on firefox and having the same problem

Mines gone strange too everything in a list on the left
Sara x x

Yes, mine’s still weird this morning. I use Safari.

Yes, mines gone all over to the left hand side, looks awful.

Lynn x

Could be browser related, I’m on my iPad using Safari and was when I looked last night. I’ll have to try looking on my computer - use Chrome on there.


Hehe! the fun of Folksy, keeps us on our toes i guess :smiley:

I’m using Chrome on my laptop, and very rarely have problems, so it might be worth trying it. All the shops look ok to me, so let’s hope most visitors are using Chrome too :smile:

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Morning @silverspiral I am on fire fox, just popped into your shop looks fine to me. I still got a problem with my shopkeeping its all down one side. There must be a bug in the system somewhere.

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morning @erkinwald just popped into your shop it looks fine to me.

Mine looks odd if I sign in from Firefox.

I tried from Chrome and it’s fine.

Talk Folksy looks normal.

Mines weird this morning and I am on safari.:slight_smile:

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We usually use Chrome and it’s fine there. But just signed in through Internet explorer and it’s all to the left.
Anyone reported it yet?