Unfortunately Etsy gets a plug instead of us - boooo!
And Etsy has a two page article about 3 sellers in Crafts Beautiful. - boohoo! too
Folksy Admin/Owners need to contact the newspapers and give them a press release.
But that would mean having to do something!!! Marg. x
hmm, i think you’re both being a bit harsh, if you don’t mind me saying. It’s not easy getting in the national press. I work for a charity which uses local media - sending a press release is not the same as getting the story picked up by the media - even at a local level, so i can only imagine how challenging it is to try and get noticed in the national media.
Maybe someone from Folksy should write a letter to the Telegraph “letters” page telling about Folksy…who knows it might get posted for people to see.
Don’t ask me to do it though, my hand writing is terrible and I play my “pensioner’s” card for one of you youngsters to do it !! (perhaps an email)
I realise it’s difficult getting into the national press, but there are lots of magazines out there, not only craft based where Folksy might get in. I wonder how Etsy got featured in Crafts Beautiful, surely there must be an opening for a craft site like Folksy that has nearly 6,000 sellers. Marg. x
Folksy has been many times in craft mags .
However being in craft mags is preaching to the converted as craft mags are aimed at those who like to craft for themselves.
Getting into a major newspaper can be a costly matter, also who knows Folky admin my have tried more times than we know about but got no where.