Continuing the discussion from How did you learn your craft?:
I am very privileged to have studied at Bournville School of Art.
When I studied there the teaching was based on the Bauhaus system of art education. That meant each individual student had to experience ALL disciplines the art school offered. Life drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, metalwork, jewellery, textiles, photography and still life drawing.
I now have such a wonderful wide-range of skills at my fingertips. So when I go into my workshop and am inspired by something, I have a spectrum of creative techniques to draw from.
Bournville School of Art gave me a toolbox for life.
Concentrating on jewellery I aim to produce uncomplicated, yet unique designs drawn from my creative imagination. As everything is hand-made no two pieces can be the same.
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Welcome you have some interesting pieces and are clearly talented but you might want to read up about copyright and Trademark infringement for a few of your pieces.
All the best with your interesting jewellery 
Welcome, some great stuff on there. But yes I agree with @EileensCraftStudio you need to be really careful about some of them, hate you to be shut down by trading standards.
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Love your shop Michael, all those talents to call upon.
Just one small point, you haven’t completed your “meet the maker section” yet, which is where you can more or less repeat what you have posted above. Good luck with your shop. Marg. x
Thank you for your kind comments. I have spent far too many years to mention working in the graphic design and advertising industry. Here I learnt about copyright and trademarks, I am confident that what I produce breaches neither - if I thought it did then I would not have posted it. Many thanks though.
Thank you Marg for your encouraging comments. I am only 3 days old in Folksy, I thought I had completed everything. Could you enlighten me on what I need to do to complete. Many thanks.
Welcome to Folksy Michael. I like your Jewellery, especially the Fish Pendant. Wishing you lots of success with your new shop.
Natasha x
I just received feedback from my first Folksy sale:
"Hi Michael
The pendant has arrived and is really
well crafted and beautiful.
Well pleased
I am struggling to get up to speed with ‘Talk Forum’. I just keep pressing buttons and inputting stuff, hoping that one day all will fall into place and the digital apple will fall on my head.
I LOVE your ‘Girl with a pearl earring’ earrings!
You will get there with the Talk forum, it took me a bit to fathom. x
Thanks for your kind comments and your encouragements. This is brand new territory for me but quite exciting. I have sold via craft stalls to date, friends have prompted me to join Folksy and I am very impressed.