Is something wrong with pinterest?

Last week a message came up on my pinterest account says we have moved you to

Now since then I’ve been unable to click any links on pins back to the original site a pin was from. It simply takes me to another pinterest board.

I even tried clicking a links on images that say are from folksy some of my own pins and some from other pins from other Folksy posters only to find the links do not take you back to folksy shops anymore but simply to boards that have pins from Folksy on.

Is this happening to anyone else?

Does this mean people who see our folksy pins are no longer able to follow the link back to our shops?

Hi Eileen, just tried it on one of mine and it clicks back to my item if I click on the Visit button, if I just click on the item it takes me to

I tried that new button a few times and it was still not bringing me back to folksy.

Now it is oh my this is strange is this new button a bit ifffy?