Just wondering why I get different results if I a) type what I am looking for in the search bar or b) choose from the options along the top of the page - ie - jewellery, home and accessories etc…
Seems very curious that it seems to bring up things in a totally different order?
Any ideas why?
The Seach box looks in the item title, description, tags etc, but the lists across the top are the Categories.
So I might have an item called ‘watercolour painting of castle’ described as ‘a pretty painting in watercolur of a ruined castle, printed on a teatowel’, but put it in the ‘teatowel’ category.
if i search for ‘tea towel’ using the categories, it will appear with lots of other teatowels, probably early on it it’s just been listed.
if i serch using the search box, it will appear further down behind those items which heve teatowel in the item name.
(at least,that’s how i think it works!)
Okay thanks. Yes that does make more sense now. thanks xx