Link for my shop

Hi everyone.
Does anyone know how to find a link to their shop? Ive tried but it keeps showing my edit page which I dont want to show customers. Many thanks


just remove the ULR+ from the front and back

Thanks Sue but that link takes me to the folksy site. Im looking for the link that I can send to people and tell them to look at my shop

But isn’t your shop a folksy shop if so that’s the link
Open the link in a different browser and you will see what I mean

I just tried it and it went straight to your Folksy shop, no prob.

This is where it takes me on another browser.

strange as this is where the link sends me


Thanks for doing that. Im not sure what I’m doing wrong. Ive done online shops before and am good at pc stuff so not sure whats happening. Thanks for assisting anyways.

What browser are you using? Worked fine with duck duck go and Google
Are you adding your shop name at the end of the link?

Ifeel like a right knucklehead. I hadn’t removed the last bit. It needed the words REMOVE there to do the trick. Sue did say that in her first message. Anyway thank you so much. It works. Time for a party mow.

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Yayyyyy :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::rofl:

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Glad I was able to help


Ooh! There’s my hands! :grin: :yarn:

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