Hello - I’ve just had a phone call from a customer trying to get into my shop from my website links. His computer is blocking him, something to do with it not being https:// - I gave him my direct shop address (eg. www.myshop.folksy.com) but he still couldn’t get in and then neither could I when I tried - I could the other day! My computer is saying that the security certificate isn’t safe? Is this just me? Have I missed something? What link do I need to use on my website to get round this as I like my customers to click though to Folksy? Any advice much appreciated!
I just manages to get into your shop using this link
I’m not sure why the one you’re using isn’t working though
Donna x
Heather, are you remembering to put the ‘jewellery’ part? As in MoonRiverJewellery and not just MoonRiver? (Lovely name btw)
Thanks Donna - that one seems to be working now but moonriverjewellery.folksy.com isn’t. At first I thought it was a problem at my customer’s end but then it did the same on my computer. I’m just annoyed that now I’ll have to go through my website and change every link which will take sometime. I wonder how many potential customers didn’t contact me and just gave up and went elsewhere
Thanks Helen - that does sound like something I might do, but I’m definitely using the full name. What’s really bizarre is that I’ve been using the link up until a few days ago just fine!
@MoonRiverJewellery the problem is the ‘www’ - if you use the link just as you’ve typed it here, without the www then it works fine. As a general rule it is best to leave the www off links these days unless you absolutely know it won’t work without, it is becoming obsolete and can result in errors.
Yes, I just viewed your shop by putting in this link:
“moonriverjewellery.folksy.com” - my computer added “http://” in front of this (no “s”!)
Thanks all. It’s all working now. The links from own website are working again - I’m just relieved I don’t have to re-do ALL the links from there - phew!