Linking to facebook

Can anyone tell me how to link my Folksy page to facebook. Im sure its probably really easy. But I can`t work it out

You need to set up a ‘call to action’ button instructions can be found here
You can also put your shop url in your about section (which I can’t currently remember how to edit - sorry)
Hope that helps

Thanks but it says click on call to action button next to like on cover photo but there doesn`t seem to be one.

Do you have a Facebook page or are you using your personal profile - you need to have a FB page to link to your shop.

That’s why then I just have a personal profile. I guess I need to set up a separate facebook page. Thanks for the advice

Ok set up a facebook page but still cant get it to link doesnt seem to like my username on facebook section on Folksy shop appearance. But told people on facebook where to find me so hopefully will work