Technophobe asking for help

I recently set up my Folksy shop and have a link from the shop to my facebook page. I want to put a link from my facebook page to my folksy shop but cant fathom out for the life in me how to do it. I have a link to my website so I’ve obviously managed to do it in the past! Any advice would be gratefully received.


Hi Ruth

If you go into your shop menu and find ‘Shop Appearance’ you’ll find the field to enter your Facebook link in there. :smile:

And welcome to Folksy too!

Oops misread your post Ruth.

If you have a page on Facebook ( not a profile) you can add a call to action button in your header image ( cover photo) linking directly to your shop on folksy. I’ve done it on mine…

Hope that helps?

I had to double check but this should help.

  1. log in to the relevant facebook page
  2. click on ‘settings’ (top right hand corner NB you need the ‘settings’ next to ‘help’ not the ‘settings’ next to ‘log out’!)
  3. select ‘page info’ from the options on the left hand side
  4. scroll down, you can either add your folksy web address to the short description bit or the website bit - a pen icon will appear if you hover over it click on this to edit it.
    I have the call to action button but no idea how that got there and the folksy widget but can’t remember how to install that either so hopefully the above is enough!

Thank you - didn’t know about the call to action button - have now added it.

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Sasha, many thanks - easy when you know how, have now added.