"Made in Kent" - new shop for handmade goods, run by MiND!

A new shop is opening tomorrow in my hometown (Gravesend) and they liked my birds so much they are now stocking them! It’s called “Made in Kent” and is for local handmade goods and art, and is run by MiND the mental health charity. I popped in today to meet with them and it looks fantastic, very upmarket and nothing like a “charity shop”.

It’s just so nice to see a new shop in town promoting handmade, and not a £1 shop or coffee shop for a change.


That’s great news, congratulations! :slight_smile:

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That sounds lovely. Years ago, we used to get the ferry across to Gravesend each year to do our Christmas shopping, we loved the market and the variety of shops, but then it seemed to go a bit downhill. I think I might have to give it another try.
I wonder if MIND will try this in other places too if it is a success? Good luck with your birds.xxx

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Congratulations. That sounds like a really great venture. It would be nice to see more of this kind of shop.

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Great! Love it when a high Street has proper shops.

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Thanks @DaisyWings.

@plumporridge yes Gravesend seemed to suffer with lots of £1 shops and coffee shops and not much else, so it’s fantastic that this new type of shop is opening. Hopefully if this is a success MiND will extend it to elsewhere.

@PocketfulCreations @Amberlilly Would be lovely to see more handmade on the High Street! The shop has a mix of local produce incl jams, wax melts, lavender products, art, photography, cards, soft toys, and all at different price points too, so it’s very inclusive. I really hope it does well.

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I went to school in Gravesend!
Great news for the town, I’ll be sure to pop in next time i’m down that way :slight_smile:

(now very much up north)

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It would be nice to see that sort of shop in my hometown too. Hopefully if it’s successful they might branch out my way.

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That’s fantastic news and such an absolutely brilliant charity.

Would be wonderful if they did do it across the country. How exciting for you. Congrats :grinning:


@PaulinesCrafts @HelenMcCartney - if this shop does well there are plans to expand the idea out into other areas. :slightly_smiling:

@ADEEGAN you escaped!! LOL!


Wow, that must be awesome, I bet they shall fill up that shop in no-time. I live in Kent too, in Dartford, might pay them a visit, I’ve been looking for a shop like this for ages. Thank you sooo much for sharing this information!

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Ooh come down, there were some Dartford people there too (NKMiND is based in Dartford).

I will have to, mum’s birthday is coming and she loves handmade things.

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I’ll keep an eye out in our area and let you know if we get one. Thank you for sharing this.

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Hi :slightly_smiling:
I am also local to Gravesend and this sounds like a fantastic idea. I completely agree and it is nice to see something new and exciting in Gravesend helping local people. Defiantly will take a look.

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This sounds great, Liz @BigBirdLittleBird. I wonder where it is exactly? I was in Gravesend today, at the dentist, and had a little wander round the town but I didn’t see it. I live a few miles away in Meopham.

Oooh small world; I live in Meopham too! Down Hook Green end. The shop is down the High Street, opposite the market. Used to be “Bridal Wardrobe” if I remember correctly.

Thanks for that Liz. I know where you mean, must go and take a look! What a coincidence that we live so close - I used to be in the Hook Green area too, but now I’m at the other end, in Culverstone Green!

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Im from Gravesend too but I live in Tonbridge now. What a brilliant idea, hope its going well.

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