Isn’t it about time other counties were promoted. I am sure lots of “British” Designers and Makers would welcome a bit extra promotion. Maybe a different county each month would be fairer. I know Folksy Headquarters are in Sheffield, Yorkshire, but there are lots of talented people in other counties.
So come on Folksy Team, get out those maps, spread your wings and promote other counties. You never know someone browsing Folksy may see their county and buy knowing they are supporting someone more local than Yorkshire, don’t be so “parochial”.
Great idea, I’ll start a Made in Berkshire, not sure there are that many of us though
If Folksy don’t include other Counties I was (in the New Year) going to suggest a monthly promotion, selecting say 2 Counties a month. There’s quite a number to go at including England, Scotland, Wales, London Boroughs, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Chanel Islands. Hope I haven’t forgot any,
Great idea! @memicrafts and @DaisyWings.
I have started a Made in Kent one!
I’m Yorkshire, didn’t know there was a yorkshire group
I thought you were starting a thread to promote Yorkshire makers, but re reading i’m not sure lol
If not i will start a thread for Yorkshire, just let me know if you are and i’ll take mine down
No, the point that @memicrafts was making is that Folksy have a gift guide called ‘made in Yorkshire’ so are actively promoting items made in Yorkshire. It is felt that other counties should get a turn at this promotion.
ah i see, cheers Kim
Who makes the gift guides?
I’m not sure, but I think it’s the Folksy admin who choose the guides and who is to go in. Maybe others more experienced will give a better idea.