March Marvels Daily Listing Challenge Thread! March 1st to 31st 2016

good morning…I am starting off the day with a very bright crocheted baby blanket…
Happy St. David’s Day to all my Welsh friends

Good morning Marvels
Thank you Deborah for doing the thread,
Just having a few days in Lancashire with my daughter so its sale items again
Valerie x

Morning Marvels!

Wow, March already! So many lovely makes from everyone already. Here’s mine for today.

I’m having a terrible day :persevere: apart from your beyond beautiful earrings turned up Deborah @DeborahJonesJewellery :blush::blush::blush:

Today’s listing

Good afternoon. No white rabbits; a black donkey.

One sale for me please, @DeborahJonesJewellery :slight_smile: yay :slightly_smiling:



Big thanks to Deborah @DeborahJonesJewellery for stepping in, brilliant start and happy dancing for your sale

Many many thanks to Natalie @NOfkantsCurios - all your hard work much appreciated. See you on here :smile:

Well done on sales so far, what a good start to the month

Just a relist as way too dark for photos today

Carol xx

Well, here’s my first for the daily challenge. I hope to pick things up as we go through the month… have visited all your lovely listings so far and have liked my favourites. Well done to the early birds with sales already :smile:

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Happy March everyone,

Thank you Deborah for taking over the thread this month and many thanks to Natalie for looking after us up to now.

Here is something new from me to start off the month…

Jeanie x

Well I was hoping to finish something in time to photograph it today but it doesn’t look as though I will so here is a relist. Not a promising start! Happy St David’s day to all!

Hello Marvels! Great to see sales already. I am on holiday so may miss a day or two until the weekend. I’m here with a relist today.:slight_smile:Thanks, Deborah, for being Mistress of the Marvels!

Thank you Deborah @DeborahJonesJewellery for running the thread, I hope to pop in as often as I can.

My item for today is an upcycled clutch handbag.

Natalie x

Congrats Rene ! @Dawitchi

Hope your day improved Sue @SueTrevor glad you like the earrings.

Mistress of the Marvels - I like the sound of that Kim @proggyandtweed :slight_smile:


Ha ha I have visions of you cracking the whip now Deborah @DeborahJonesJewellery :smiley:
All clicked and loved up to here, hope you’ve all had a great day

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Hi Marvels

I can’t believe it’s March already.

Thanks for keeping us organised Deborah @DeborahJonesJewellery

Congrats to those who have already had sales.

I just have a relist today.

I’ve just had my first order of the month :slight_smile: - one for my tally please @DeborahJonesJewellery


Hiya all!
Well done on sales !
All pinned now and here’s my new board
Night night all😴 Steph X


Thanks for the lovely feedback Rene @Dawitchi, really hope your mum loves it too.

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Well March already gosh why is the year going so fast? I have a bag on my craft table for over a week and Im trying to get energy to complete it, maybe tomorrow!! So in the meantime its another relist Im afraid.
Well done on all those early sales