Hi Catherine, lovely knitted items. Welcome aboard Folksy. The only criticism I have is over the reduced prices, you are a new shop but have 2 items with Sales prices against them, when did you open ? I think you have to have an item for sale at a higher price (not sure on length of time without checking it out) before you can offer them as reduced.
I think you nay be able to offer them cheaper as an introductory offer/new business for a set amount of time, but it might be better checking this.
I’m sure it was mentioned on another post a couple of months ago on the forum, I will see if I can find it.
I think your descriptions could do with some work. You have no sizes on the clothes and you do not mention the fibre content either which I believe is a legal requirement. It’s also handy if people know how to wash the items, they might not want something that has to be hand washed and dried.
I also thought that it was a legal requirement to specify the fibre content, I won’t buy stuff if it doesn’t specify the fibre content or give washing instructions (I have allergies so things I need to avoid and won’t inflict hand wash items on new parents who have enough to deal with).
Double check that you have included measurements - some of my friends have had very large new borns so again I don’t buy unless there is sizing. (also check that the dimensions on the blankets are correct - 18inch square doesn’t seem big enough)
Here are a couple of blog posts about how to write descriptions
It can take a while to get found, you don’t have a lot of products so if you have any more ready it would be a good idea to list them and to be active on at least one social media platform.
Good luck you have some lovely items.
Welcome to Folksy Catherine and all the best with setting up your shop!
It does take a while and a lot of work when first setting up, but it gets easier as you go along. I find getting good photos very difficult and made a couple of blunders in the beginning not calculating the postage right. There’s always someone on the forums who can help should you need it. Along with all the info in the Folksy blog. Good luck