I can’t recommend any natural products I’m afraid - it seems even those irritate mine. I have super sensitive skin and over the last year or so my skin has been terrible for the first time in my life I have found that the only products I can use that don’t irritate my skin are Dermalogica - I use the cleanser and the moisturiser - it is an american brand and quite pricey but the only one that works for me.
Sorry it too me so long, I try not to switch my laptop on at the weekend. I made the turmeric and tee tree soap for acne originally, it had great anti bacterial properties as well as being moisturising,
Donna x
Good morning Bridget @xBridgetx , all my soaps and bath bombs are suitable for vegans and my lip balms and pulse point sticks are all vegetarian,
Donna x
@xBridgetx Thank you for your order Bridget. I promised a free Christmas soap to my 100th customer. If you have a look in my shop and let me know which you’d like I’ll send it with your order.
Donna x
Thanks for the quick response! I wasn’t sure, as the Spot Stick and Vapour Rub wasn’t mentioned in your previous comment about what was vegetarian and vegan.
My pleasure, I can’t wait to receive the items. Oh, how lovely about being the 100th customer, that’s very kind of you to include a free soap. Could I please choose the Mulled Wine Christmas Soap? I love Mulled Wine, it’s my favourite Christmas Scent.