Need a hand promoting your Folksy Shop?

Have you found British Crafters yet?

We have a vibrant FB page where you can meet other crafters to network and promote your shop

Or for less that a latte We can help you here! where you get promotion on FB, Pinterest, Twitter and a Stumbleupon Review.

We get great sales, increased shop views and good fb interaction on your page! We can’t promise that you will make a sale from our promotions but getting people through your shop door is often half the battle!

Dottie x


Hi Susan. I am just trying to get started on Facebook as some very patient folksters can verify! How do I get involved? I can do with lots of help!

Thank you so much

Jacqueline x

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Jacqueline, British Crafters are great for networking. Good luck on FB. There are loads of networking pages there to help you along just be aware it is very addictive and time consuming!

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Hi Jaqueline,

It’s worth joining a couple of good networking groups on Facebook. British Crafters are a great group - I did get sales when I joined in with one of their (paid-for) blog & FB promotions. They work very hard to promote group members and they’re a friendly bunch. If you join in and make an effort, they will do the same for you.

Just a note - be wary of Facebook Groups whose only purpose is to encourage people to click the “Like” button on your Page. “Likes” are not necessarily the best measure of your Facebook Page success. Some people deliberately join in these “Like Hikes” and click Like on loads of pages, just to get them to do the same for their own page. Then they go back and remove the like later on. That’s very damaging to your own Facebook presence, as Facebook use these stats to decide who/ how many to show your posts to.
So you’re better off with groups who encourage Genuine apprecation of your page and your products, rather than just a big “like-fest”.

Hope that makes sense? I recommend British Crafters’ Facebook Page - they are great!

LizzieMade Hand Bound Books

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Hi Jacqueline,
It’s really worth joining in with British Crafters. There’s a little fee to book a promotional place. Dottie makes it nice and easy and it’s cheap too. Even if you don’t get a sale from it directly, it’s worth it just for the fun factor and I found it helped me to understand FB a lot more. Otherwise you can just drop by and join in whatever is happening on the day. I really enjoy their page.
Amanda xxx

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Can back up Dottie - it’s a great page, with lots of visitors and some lovely makes, which help add to the quality feel of your own products. And thanks for the share yesterday, BC :slight_smile:

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Thank you for posting this, have just booked a slot on the birds and butterflies one. I really struggle to know what to do about self promotion most of the time.

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@EmmaCurtisDesign Thank you for your booking :smile:

@JAustenJewelleryDesign What is your fb page - I will come & find you! The details of how to book are all on the blog (link in OP) but come and join in and see how you get on. We have a theme everyday - today is red/white for St George’s Day and you add a link to your fb photo to the post pinned to the page top. We share the ones that catch our eye really but with up to 300 comments somedays it is a bit random whether you get shared or not. People do make sales from the list though without a page share.

@Rozcraftz @LizzieMade @plumporridge @MsCupCake Thank you for all your lovely words! The page is a super place to be, mainly because everyone is so supportive of each other!

Dottie x


Hi Dottie
Have just liked you on fb, and booked my first promotional slot. What a great promotional tool. I’ve just about got to grips with fb, but just haven’t the time to become involved with other networking tools, so this is a great idea for those of us who are not savvy with Twitter/Stumbleupon etc.

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Thank you @dottiedesigns!

Birds and Butterflies!! I had forgotten about that one!
Must go and seeee…

Hi Jaqueline,
As other people have said there are lots of networking pages on there and I have ‘met’ some really nice people through them. I too have found though that some are on there purely to give like for like which really isn’t helpful. One of the best ways of keeping your page being seen is getting people to interact with your page, easier said than done however. Good Luck with it and if you are mooching around on there do pop over and say Hi. I will look you up when I am next on there :wink:
Christine x

It’s Open Day tomorrow so come and add something to the post pinned to the page top from 0640! Lots of sales today!
Dottie x

I am new to Folksy and was wondering if I could have some advice on my shop please. I want to know what I can do to improve it. I would appreciate all the advice I can get.


It’s Best Seller day tomorrow - it’s going to be great! Come & join in!

@MartinsCraft There are lots of threads on the forum giving good advice about marketing your shop etc - perhaps have a read through :slight_smile:

What a lovely page - thank you for the heads up!

Just done these

@MandysLittleWorldofHerOwn Thank you Mandy! It’s hard work to run but very rewarding!

Thank you from HomespunWithLove. Sold one item today which is a direct result of posting and being promoted on Brish Crafters Facebook page.


@HomeSpunWithLove Your kittens certainly got a lot of love today! Well done on your sale!