Oh yes I hadn’t thought about that. You’re quite right. Oh well I’m quite happy to have an extra chance of getting seen anyway
Claire @kernowclaire …there were over 90 pages today !
that was my problem today Joy… @JOYSofGLASS …my shop has over 100 flowers paintings in it, so it was natural to tag the items with… “flowers”
Glad I gave up at page 18 in that case!!
Hi all
I have been keeping an eye on listings for the last few days and there are a few shopkeepers (none on this thread) that are re-listing their whole shop on almost a daily bases some can have 60 to 100 paintings,prints, cards etc. I really feel this is a total misuse of the re-list option open to Plus Folksy shops. It leaves those of us who are using the re-list option fairly without hope of keeping listings anywhere near the first few pages and again I feel it is also detrimental to Folksy and not a good way to encourage customers.
Hands up.
I relist one page full (because that is really easy to do with two clicks of buttons) ie 40 listings, in the morning and the same in the evening.
If a page full was just 20 I’d still just do a page each time.
I pay my plus fee and i don’t feel bad about using the features I’m paying for.
I’ve no idea whether this affects my views either way but its just a convenient way for me to manage my shop.
Thanks Joy - never thought of that
Claire @kernowclaire I think there were 90 pages in total ( not all mine thank goodness…lol)