Exactly. I would love to see a thread comparing all the craft retail sites and discussing how Folksy can learn from them. Folksy is by far my favourite in terms of community, but its usability isn’t as good as some other places I’ve shopped or sold on, and it just doesn’t have the same profile as other retail sites which don’t always offer such good quality or service (looking at you, Not on the High Street. Which is probably also a site I’m not supposed to mention, ha).
Facebook works if your audience is on Facebook. Mine isn’t, so my FB page is appallingly small. I use Instagram and Twitter mostly, it all depends on what works for you. If you can’t get the hang of Facebook, don’t stress out about it!
@Knittingtopia @teabreaks Thanks for your concern! I know the difference between promoting a competitor and discussing one, and trust the admins (hi guys) to know as well.
welcome Steffie…x @steffiesvintagevaluables
Andy there is a folksy group on facebook and also a Folksy clubhouse…join in and meet lots of other Folksy peeps
Thanks Brenda, I hope to get me feet up later, I will have a look.
I use Twitter and Instagram too !
I use Instagram and try to post every day. I find it easy to use and I get a fairly good response. I need to use it to its full potential
Have shared on my personal page. Had a sale through es yesterday and only have 4 things, 3 now listed. Think Folksy is not as well known which is sad. Agree we need to promote the site. I intend to post a link now once a week in the hope to get it out there more.
I promote Folksy on my Facebook page all the time. My page followers can’t fail to be aware that I have a shop on Folksy as I regularly mention it, post item links in the comments for whatever item I might be promoting, have my Shop Now button pointing to Folksy and often use the “Find me on Folksy” badge in photos on my page. If my page followers aren’t aware of Folksy by now, then there’s obviously no getting through to them!!! I guess it’s easy for me to do all that because Folksy is my only shop.
I hope you don’t mind Carol, but I just copied and pated this to my face book business page, hope to get folks behind #folksy
Of course I don’t mind Tracey @bagsofelegance
@francescaswords everytime a competitor is mentioned it is promoted but I’m sure Camilla @folksycontent will be along if there’s anything untoward
I promote my Folksy shop regularly on Facebook…not necerssarily every day but at least 3 or 4 times a week. Everything I post links back to my Folksy shop and occasionally I will promte Folksy as whole, not just my own shop, to get the word out. I belong to quite a few Facebook groups connected to sewing/Embroidery etc. and although I cannot promote my shop on there, I can show what I have made, and have made sure there is a link to Folksy on my Personal page in case anyone likes what I make, so they can find my shop easily. I have had a few sales that way.
This morning I put a post on my Facebbok page showcasing my coin purses and within an hour I had sold one, so promoting on there definately works.
I’ve seen some people post the folksy/I sell on folksy logo on Facebook. Is there a link to it anywhere on the site?
They can all be found on the blog
Thank you so much. I will have a look now. Still finding my way around the site.
Great idea Brenda @teabreaks. I have shared to my shop page and home page.
Found you.