Telling people about Folksy

Like a lot of other Folksy shop owners, sales lately haven’t been very good. I appreciate that we cannot expect Folksy admin to advertise for us, so I decided to put a mini advert on my facebook page. I was thinking that if we could ALL do something similar, it would help to spread the word. There are so many people out there that have never heard of Folksy, yet they all know about the auction site and the one across the pond…
If you think this is a good idea then please feel free to copy and paste what I have written (with your own shop link)…here is what I wrote…
Christmas is fast approaching and if you want to find beautiful hand made gifts, then nowhere better than “Folksy”. Folksy is an online shop for UK based crafters to sell their work. I sell lots of my paintings through “Folksy” and you can view my shop here and also look for other items. "Buy something Unique this year!


I like what you have done and I will if you don’t mind do the same but with slightly different words seen as I sell different products.

be my guest Pauline…every little bit helps and if everyone on fb with a Folksy shop could do the same we can spread the word and hopefully get sales…we can each promote our own shops…that is only fair…

I’ve done, it so lets see what response we get from it.

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I quite often put a post on my Facebook page with a link to folksy and every time I put a photo on of something new I put a link to my folksy shop in the description. I also sometimes share Folksys Facebook page. Not sure whether it helps but its worth a try.


well done ladies

Brenda may I use your post adapted for my shop on facebook

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I have just put a post on my Facebook page, although I always post on there when I list something new, with a link back to my Folksy shop.


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Of course you can Eileen…
To anyone else…I always show my link back to folksy when I show something…however, a lot of people still don’t know what Folksy is, which is why I did the little “write up” without pictures…to make people read all about it…

I added it to my facebook with a link to my shop and Folksy’s facebook page. Fingers crossed

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I think it is a great idea to promote folksy on facebook.

I have made my own post, and asked my followers to share it … Let’s hope we can spread the word about folksy :slight_smile: @sianfolksy

Can you post links to your pages please so I can go and like your folksy promoting posts


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great idea :slight_smile:

I’m going to do the same post onto my google+ account :smile:

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This is a great idea, I’ll put something on my facebook page too. I sometimes put link backs to things in my shop but I’ve never really advertised the whole Folksy online shopping experience. :slight_smile:

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Here’s my Facebook Page


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I often put cards up in my local shops promoting my shop and Folksy. And i often promote Folksy and my new makes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
So i will do what Brenda has done also - it all helps.

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well done everyone…I have already seen Hazel’s promotion and shared it…if “Ice bucket challenges” can go viral then so can WE !!!

Have share KB creations

Here is mine

ive shared on my facebook

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I’ve liked everyone above me with a link, would be so good if this did go viral and spread the word of folksy

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