Hi there, Just opened up our shop (husband and wife team). I have the task of getting us noticed via social media. Quite native with technology. Just joined twitter haven’t got a clue! Started following loads of interior magazine sites. Haven’t tweeted yet.Planning on doing press releases to interior magazines has any one done this? Any advice would be welcomed.Thanks, Claire p.s we have had a direct email from someone via folksy viewing asking for a buy it now price, is this something to ignore?
Nice work!
Hi there, welcome and good luck with the shop. Its hard work and need loads of promotion but fun too The forums are great and everyone is very helpful if you have any questions. Folksy have a #folksyhour on a Tuesday evening on twitter and there are a couple of groups on Facebook for Folksy sellers that you could join in
Regarding the email - yes I would probably ignore it. Any email asking questions about an item that are available in the listing are usually scams especially if it is your most expensive item and the sender is an oceanographer! I would report it to admin too.
Good luck, social media is a nightmare ( in my experience )
Welcome, your products are great. A fantastic idea. The advice I would give about social media is be yourself and don’t just use it to hard sell your product. Show the customer work in progress, where your ideas come from etc etc so they can understand your product, the work thats goes into it and ultimately fall in love with your products. Don’t become despondent in the early days when you tweet or blog and receive no feed back… wait and this will come It is a very challenging task but immense fun. I wish you the very best of luck. x
Hi @ShakerTraditions My top tip with social media is to interact with others and not hard sell. Statistically 80% of your posts/tweets etc should be chatty and only 20% should be about your products.
With regard to twitter, you won’t get any real followers (by real I mean followers who will interact with you) unless you start tweeting. Why not send a ‘Hello everyone, we’ve just joined twitter’ type of tweet. Your next tweet could be ‘Hello @folksy We’re looking forward to joining our 1st #folksyhour tomorrow night’.
The best way to get followers on twitter is to interact with others, so retweeting someone else’s tweet or commenting on their tweet is a good idea.
I don’t know how much you now about twitter, but if you put an @ in front of a twitter name, that person/company will see that you have mentioned them. If you put a hashtag in front of words, you can search twitter and see who else is talking about the same subject.
I would add a company description to your twitter bio too, so people can see who you are and what you do.
I would also set up a FB page, a Pinterest profile and an Instagram profile asap, even if you don’t intend to use them just yet, it’s a good idea to set them up so that you can get your company name registered.
With regard to the email about a ‘buy it now’ price, that’s a spam email, ignore and delete it.
About that e-mail. Is it from “maryduffield” or similar? If so this is the latest scam address. Don’t worry, it has been reported already to Folksy Admin, but you might want to mention it too. And don’t reply to it, they only want your bank details.
Sorry to start out with this bit, but it’s really important!
In the meantime, Hi nice to meet you. We are the friendliest forum on any platform I’ve ever been on here. So if you want advice or just a natter, just pop by.
Love Sam x
Hi, welcome to Folksy, love your shop items. Twitter is fun, I didn’t have a clue when I started, not sure I know that much now I’ll pop over to follow you on Twitter and yes, like other’s have said Facebook is also the way to go. Good luck and if you have any questions there’s always someone happy to help on here.
Lots of useful info on the Folksy Blog too : http://blog.folksy.com/category/seller-tips/social-media-tips-for-crafters-designers-and-makers
Thank you!!
Thank you very much for your message and advice. That’s a great pointer regarding the Folksy hour on Twitter I shall definitely do that . Get me warmed up!
Thank you very much Annmarielson for your message. I shall stay positive!
Thank you very much Millyandpip. That’s fab info regarding social media and Twitter. I did not know that about the @ sign either - so that is very helpful. I shall get tweeting soon! Thanks.
Thanks for your message. Yes it was from Mary Duffield! We got excited at first!! You are absolutely right this is such a friendly forum. Really glad I blogged now. Thanks again.
Thank you DaisyWings. I better get tweeting then!!
Thank you BigBirdLittleBird I will definitely give that a read.
BTW @ShakerTraditions, you can use the @ sign on the forums too and then people are tagged and notified of it.
Great thanks @OrchardFelts learnt so much today!! that is a smart function.
You can also link your Facebook and Twitter accounts so whatever you post on Facebook goes out as a tweet and whatever you tweet on Twitter is also posted as an update on Facebook.
Saves a lot of time…
Thank you Dayzee I shall look into that.