Hi there,
I’m pretty new to Folksy and am looking for some tips to help promote my shop and my work.
My shop view stats are ticking over (very slowly) and I have made sales, which I’m delighted about. I would like to try to do all I can though to ‘get out there’!
I am going to start dabbling in Pinterest and am gearing up to use Facebook (although it scares me slightly!)
I would be really grateful of any feedback or words of wisdom!
My shop is https://folksy.com/shops/RebeccaRees
Many thanks for your time,
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Hi Rebecca, your shop is lovely.
There’s a thread here If you could share one tip with new sellers, what would it be? full of tips from sellers.
Good luck!
Thank you, there are some good tips there.
Thanks for your time x
You’re very welcome! I love Facebook, many of my sales come from there. There’s a Facebook likes thread somewhere on here to help you connect with folksy folk over there. I’m mobile at the moment so can’t help you find it but it you use the forum search facility it should pop up.
Hi Rebecca
Your shop is lovely.
I use Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and CraftJuice to promote.
Instagram is my favourite out of them.
I too am abit scared to dabble with Facebook. I used to use it as a personal account but to be honest it just did my head in lol so I don’t think I will try it for my promotion. I know alot of folks have a lot of success using it though so maybe one day I may cave in 
All the best with your shop
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Thanks for your advice Karen, much appreciated!
Rebecca x
Rebecca @RebeccaRees it would help if you put a link to your shop on your profile page for the forum.
Also if you sign out and then sign back into the forum a link with a little shopping trolley should appear next to your name. That link will take people direct to your shop.
We all like to be nosy and look at each other’s shops and you never know, some of us have been known to buy from each other! LOL
Shirley x
Thank you very much, Think I have sorted the link to my shop on my profile page.
Rebecca x