New and shy

I’m new and don’t have a clue

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Hello Kelly,
Welcome to Folksy. Everyone is very friendly and we all help each other. I’ve needed help from time to time so don’t be shy, just ask and someone will usually help out. Good Luck.

PS I’d be careful about copyright with your Hello Kitty blanket.

What do you mean by copyright?

Hi Kelly

"Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner."

So basically unless you have permission from the owners of the Hello Kitty brand to make and reproduce the Hello Kitty image (and use their Trademark name in your advertising) you can’t really sell it to the public… :pensive:

In fact I’m not sure that you’re even allowed to write the words ‘Hello Kitty’ without their permission… Waiting for the Hello Kitty Police to knock on the door… :flushed:

Oops, that’s four infringements…



Sorry, forgot to say that your blankets are lovely! :blush:

Are you sure you’re asking enough for them though? £20 does seem a bit too cheap considering the time you must have put into making them? Especially given the size of them too?


Hi Kelly, welcome to Folksy. Selling on line can be a bit of a minefield but don’t worry everyone on here is really friendly and helpful so if you have any questions just ask and I’m sure they will try and help. Folksy support are great too so if you get really stuck and can’t find an answer drop them an email.

Your blankets are lovely, agree with @Quillextra about copyright - it is a bit of a difficult area especially as so many people ignore it so its easy to assume its ok to sell copyright goods like disney etc.

Don’t expect sales immediately ( unless you are very lucky!) - it does take time to get your shop seen and you need to work hard at promotion. Make sure you fill in your Meet the Maker section - lots of people like to know a bit more about you, and add any links you may have to social media (and link to your folksy shop from there too). I expect as you manage to add more items to your shop you will get more visitors ( and hopefully sales). Personally I would be inclined to be a bit more descriptive in your descriptions, imagine you have to describe the item to someone who can’t see or feel it, but that might just be me. Make sure you use as many keywords as possible, they are used in the search. You have used “crochet baby girls cosy blanket” as one keyword which is unlikely to be searched for - you need to split it up and add a few more (we can use 15) so crochet, baby, girls,cosy, blanket, nursery, cot, warm …etc etc (my brains gone dead!)

Hope this is useful to you and that you enjoy your time on Folksy. Good luck with the shop.

Hi Kelly, welcome to Folksy,
Each item has 5 photo slots try and use them, it allows you to show the whole item, try and show the item
in use set it around a baby, laid in a cot, wrapped around a life size doll. it gives a good idea of size proportion.
a close up of the main feature is useful
the back view of items.
of it being made crochet needle in hand half completed.
like the others have said your prices are too low, although you are unlikely to earn minimum wage for each hour worked, you need to pay for the materials as well as something for yourself.

Yes @Dayzee is correct. You cannot reproduce the image of hello kitty or use the name hello kitty, unless you have asked the company who owns hello kitty if it is ok.


Hi Roz. You mention a ‘Meet the Maker’ section, but I can’t see it. Where am I likely to find it?

@BaggieAggie you can fill it in under profile settings (near bottom of list on your dashboard, left hand side). People who click on your name in your shop can then see it. Hope that makes sense.

I am not too new but I am to the forum side of things. I decided I ought to see what it is all about and this was the first post so I can certainly relate to you! X

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Welcome Kelly & Katie, hope you enjoy your time on Folksy. Can’t really add anymore to the good advice you’ve already been given, just remember we all started not knowing what to do, anything you want to know, just ask, people are always happy to help. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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So maybe if I called it something else? Like kitty or would that not make a difference :see_no_evil:

Thank you, Roz! :smile:

I’m afraid not @kellyburke as the image on the blanket is a copy of hello kitty which is copyrighted, and cannot be reproduced unless the company who owns hello kitty says it’s OK.
The folksy blog has some tips on copyright that may make it clearer for you.

That’s a shame I bought this pattern on eBay

Hi and welcome :smile:
Yep Hello Kittie belongs to Sanrio so unfortuantly you can’t sell the blanket even if you advertise it as something else due to it being Trademarked.

Bascially if you didn’t design it yourself then you can’t sell it.

As said you need to use all your photo slots.

A photo of the complete item, maybe a close up of part of it, the back so the customer can see how neat the item is.

You descriptions you need to describe your item a little about what it looks like, maybe colours used, what type of yarn used is it 100% lambs wool or acrylic or cotton or a blend etc etc.

You need to include the measurements both metric and imperial

Remember potential customers can only go by your photo’s and your descriptions they can’t feel your item, inspect it like in a shop on the high street.

You’ll need to direct potential customers to your shop using as many ways as possible

Social media such as twitter, facebook, pinterest, craftjuice, google+ and any more you can find.

Also word of mouth, business cards etc.

Have a look how other shops do their tags.

Also I notice your materials has a spelling error.

What yarn is it you are using acrylic yarn, wool yarn, cotton yarn would be the material

Also don’t forget to work out how much your materials cost, add to that your paypal costs, your Folksy listing fee’s and your folksy commission then add more to cover your time.

I know there’s lots to learn but here’s the place to ask for advice

I hope some of his helps and all the best with your new venture :slight_smile:

Lots of good advice here for you already which I can’t really add to so I’ll just say welcome and good luck.

How do I delet the item