New scam email?

Firstly, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all on Folksy!

This morning I received an email entitled Re Re Folksy order :slight_smile:

I didn’t recognise the name and on looking at my orders it was not someone who had placed an order.
It was blank except for a green box saying ‘‘display message’’ and when I clicked my virus scanner warned me it was an insecure site, so I didn’t proceed any further.

I was wondering if anyone else had received a similar email?

Sarah x

I haven’t received anything like this, but it sounds very suspicious to me.
Anything that requires you to click on a link/box without any intoduction from the person, or explanation sounds very dodgy and I would be deleting it…

Thank you.
That’s what I thought.

I have sent an email to the hotmail address of the lady incase she ordered from anyone else on Folksy, but if I get no reply today I will just delete it.

Sarah x

Hi Sarah,

I had exactly the same thing a ouple of weeks ago… to start with I sent a couple of reply emails as I wondered if it was a genuine seller, just trying to bypass the Folksy site. However they kept replying that they werent willing to order through Folksy but wanted a large order. In the end I forwarded the email to the Folksy team, who confirmed it was a scam message.

Such a shame, as I was looking forward to it being an order :smile: but better to find out straight away then when it was too late

Hope thats helpful :grin:

Andrea x