New Statistics

I can’t seem to get into the new statistics - my computer is up to date with browsers etc. Anyone got any suggestions?

Email with the details, it might be they were tweeking something else and its broken some of the stats but they haven’t realised it yet.

Thanks for that - I’ll give it a go

With regard to New Statistics. It informs me that I have a huge amount of Impressions, which I understand to be when your items appear in gift guides, but I never see any evidence of being included. I look daily, but never see my work come up, even in printmaking specific guides, and guides that I know are relevant. I’m confused…

@DebbieTodd impressions are when people see your work in search results and when browsing categories (including ‘just listed’) as well as when browsing gift guides. If your work has been featured in a gift guide it would show up in ‘shop activity’ on your dashboard.

Thank you Sasha for your response to my query.

Hello, does anyone else only see the last 7 days in their new stats?

Yes, at the moment there are only stats for the last 7 days.


Thanks @SashaGarrett for your reply! Much appreciated. Hope Folksy will change this and also incorporate images again. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: Seven days just isn’t enough insight and just having text takes far too long to read for minimal insight.

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I really dont like the new stats i prefer the old one with images of craft work included.
It was much more clear and concise

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Hi not loving the new stats at all, its making me not bother to look at all and give up.

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Need last 24 hours option as per the old stats

Hey thanks for your feedback on the new stats :slight_smile:

If you’re able to, are you able to give concrete examples of what you don’t like and how you would prefer them working? That way it’s more straightforward to collate your feedback and know what we can work on.

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I much prefer them to the old stats, though it would be good to see a ‘last 24 hours’ option as and when possible. They give me what I need to know, particularly the search terms, but I still use Google Analytics for a more detailed breakdown ie Google tells me where the viewers are based and how many pages they looked at, the time they spent etc, but I don’t have a problem with using both Folksy and Google. I don’t really expect Folksy to give me the detail that Google can. So thanks to the team so far.


Can the stats be exactly like how it was before you recently change it.
It showed the images with how many views. It was so much more easier to understand.

I like the new stats now that mine are working properly, they give me more information such as the search terms used. I can also see all the items viewed, not just 12 as previously, and where those visits come from. Although having pictures of the items viewed would be useful, I don’t mind just having the clickable link.
Like others I would find 24 hour stats useful.

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I like them too. And I am looking forward to when its all worked through and we are able to choose a time period to look at. I like to compare month by month or Quarter by quarter.Thank you!