New to Folksy and just wanted to say hello and meet some other Folksy Sellers. I make decorative dolls and I am based in Derbyshire. Would love some feedback on my shop, any advice would be great as it is all very new and a bit scary! to finally take the jump and set up my business. Also are there any meet ups for folksy sellers at present, would be great to meet some like minded people.
Thanks in advance
Eleanor Pretty
Welcome to Folksy! Your shop is absolutely gorgeous. I can’t see any flaws in your shop- the photos are really beautiful, even as thumbnails. The descriptions are full and detailed. Really lovely <3
I’m sure others may have more useful advice, I just wanted to say your shop is gorgeous. I adore your dolls <3
Hello and just wanted to say, great shop! Photos are lovely, descriptions spot on! All you need to do is promote your decorative dolls and let people know you’re here. (see the Folksy blog for tips!)
Folksy don’t generally do meet-ups but there have been rumours of organising some in the future. Folksy do host #folksyhour on Twitter, Tues 8-9pm so worth joining in - we chat about a particular topic and share tips etc, so it’s a great way to meet other Folksy sellers.
Good luck with your shop!
Hello Eleanor, I have just moved to Alfreton in Derbyshire, quite near to Derby. I am always on the look out for suitable craft events, so perhaps we could let each other know if we hear of anything going on?
I think your shop looks lovely. I would just say join in on the forums as much as you can, not only does it make you more visible but you also get more out of it because there’s always something new to learn and people willing to help you out if you have a problem.
Best of luck with your shop, I hope you do well. Amanda xxx
Thank you Lowri, that’s really lovely to hear, I really appreciate it. It’s hard starting out and you do doubt yourself! So thank you! Love your illustrations too. Nice to meet you, Eleanor x
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Hi Eleanor, welcome to Folksy. I don’t think you need much advice in terms of your shop. Your dolls are lovely - really characterful and you have photographed and described them beautifully. The only advice I would give you is to promote your shop like crazy so that your lovely dolls get seen.
I’m another one based in Derbyshire (Swadlincote - South Derbyshire).
Good luck with your venture.
Helen. x
Thank you Liz for taking the time to give me some feedback makes a huge difference to speak to people that are already sellers. I definitely need to get to grips with promoting, not my strong point! Anyway lovely to meet you and I will definitely join in with the folksy hour Thanks Eleanor x
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Thank you Amanda, that’s lovely to hear, as you do doubt yourself! I am also looking for local craft fairs etc, I am down the road near Matlock so that would be great to share info. getting involved with the forums sounds good as it’s nice to meet some like minded people. Thanks for the advice and lovely to meet you Eleanor x
Thank you Helen for your lovely feedback I really appreciate it, you do tend to question yourself especially when you work alone. Promotion is next on my list, not my strong point but ready to give it a go! It’s great to hear from some people in Derbyshire, hopefully they might do some meet ups in the future. Anyway lovely to meet you Eleanor x
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Hi, just took a peek at your shop, your doll’s are lovely, and the as the other’s have said your photo’s are great. Good luck with your shop, and try to make #folksy hour on Twitter, maybe see you there 
Thank you Tina, for your kind feedback, lovely to meet you and I will check out the next folksy hour, see you there Eleanor x
WOW Eleanor. Your dolls are amazing…Absolutely beautiful.
Thank you Helen for your kind feedback, I really appreciate it. Love your illustrations, there so lovely. Nice to meet you and thanks again Eleanor x
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