Newbee Hello Folksy folk

Hi everyone, just starting on Folksy, and trying to learn how it all works (along with selling online !)
I have a question my shop is called ’ Feral freebirds’ but ive tried to google my name and cant find it, so what is /where do i find my folksy shop address?
also is there a way of linking facebook business page & instagram to this shop ?
Thanks everyone, have a great monday
Best wishes
Feral Chezza

Welcome to Folksy.

When did you open your shop as takes a while for google to catch up.

To add links, from the front page of your shop select dashboard from the drop down menu.

Shop appearance, scroll down and you can see where you can add fab, insta etc.

It takes google a while to index new pages so I’m not surprised you are not showing up yet. Your url is https:/ / (I’ve had to put a space in there to stop it going active) so it has picked up your name during registration rather than feral freebirds. If you want your url to be then you need to drop a message and they will change it for you.

thanks for the reply…it is being shown as my actual name which i dont want, so sasha below has told me to inform them…thanks for your help…i’ll get the jist of it soon :slight_smile: thankyou


thanks so much sasha…thats exactly what i want it to be, in my profile etc it does say feral freebirds but then comes up my name…thankyou, i’ll contact them…sure one ive got into it , ill find my way around better :slight_smile:

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