Posting my shop on facebook

Hi new on here and need shome advice, i’ve managed to put a link to folksy on facebook but how do i put a link to my shop on facebook?.

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Hi Roy - if you go into “My Account” from the “menu” button at the top of your folksy page, then look down the list on the left-hand side until you find “Shop Appearance”. Click on that and further down the page you will find a box to add your Facebook profile. Hope that helps. Good luck with your shop :grinning:

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I added the link to my folksy shop on the introduction page of my facebook


You have a link to Facebook on your shop . It is a page belonging to someone in Ohio ???

Can’t understand that?, it’s my facebook profile name in shop appearance. Think i need to contact the folksy team.

Your Facebook page url is You have missed off the 2024 and the . between Groovy and Duck. Always safest to copy paste urls rather than typing them. :slight_smile: