Hi! We are brand new to the site. We’ve listed a few creations already and wondered if anyone would be wiling to critque the content etc. Our shop is itsatwinthing.
Thanks Carol & Sue
Hi! We are brand new to the site. We’ve listed a few creations already and wondered if anyone would be wiling to critque the content etc. Our shop is itsatwinthing.
Thanks Carol & Sue
Hi Carol and Sue - I’m pretty new on here too but popped along to see your wonderful makes. Loving the Cheeky face incense burners. Your products are wonderful.
Awwww thank you so much. Can i ask if you think there’s enough in the descriptions? Don’t want to make it to wordy! X
I think your descriptions are spot on - enough description without being too wordy. The only thing I would possibly look at is your measurement descriptions. They are missing or incomplete on one or two of your listings. Personally when buying online I find it difficult to visualise the size of something so like to see the measurements. I hope this makes sense?
Hi Carol and Sue and welcome to Folksy!
I’ve had a bit of a nosey round your lovely shop and have a few of comments which I hope are helpful. I’d add something to the about you section as buyers really like to know about you, also if you have them add the links to your socials so people can find you. It’s the way that you’ll get most sales.
I would add more in your item description, think what a customer would search for and add as much as you can! So for example the baroque style dish you could add trinket tray, jewellery dish etc. it all helps!
I would also try and add some photos of the item on its own with a white background, this is because if you’re lucky enough to get picked up by a magazine for example it makes it easier for them to add a background.
I hope this is useful and good luck with your shop!
Oh thank you so much for your reply! We don’t mind at all, feedback is good! When you say add your socials, we have a FB page but it shows exactly the same things as on here, same with Instagram or do you mean our personal FB pages?
Where would you put these links?
Yes ive put measurements on now
Hi and welcome from me too
I wish you all the best with your shop.
Here are a couple of thoughts I had when I had a browse.
Like Hilary, I would like to see an " about" section I wondered what influenced your choice of shop name - are you twins?
Secondly, the 2nd item ( large candle holder for £14), I wasnt sure from the photo exactly what was on offer, there seemed to be a lot of items, and not a candle in sight! The actual candle holder only became clearer when looking at the later photos
Hope that helps
I would recommend you link your FB page to your folksy shop, people will then find you easier, and the same for instagram rather than use your personal ones. Also if you have Pinterest have a shop one. I’m not the best at social media and have learnt over the past few months but there’s so much I don’t know! My son had to set up my FB page because I was clueless . You would add the links in the shop appearance section which you’ll find under shop setting on your dashboard,
Thank you for your reply, much appreciated!
Re the candle holder, we put various pics to show how it can be used as well as candles.
I can only find this one category. If i put it on under another category i.e. decorative dishes I assume it’ll cost another listing fee?
I’m going to do a bio on us, yes we are twins!
Wish you could send your son round here … I only have my personal FB account. Can you just simply open another one in your shop name??
I haven’t got a clue if you can just set up another FB account Liz, I guess it might depend on if you’ve got another email address? I can ask him how he set up my page and let you know.
I’m using a desktop so not sure if it’s the same for phones etc. but if you click on your avatar on your Facebook feed there is an option to ‘see all profiles’. Clic on that and I have an option to ‘create a page’ which is the best one to do as people can just follow you, they don’t have to ‘friend’ you.
Thanks. I will investigate when next on the lap top!
Welcome to Folksy
You will need a second listing if you want an item in 2 categories, so yes it’s another listing fee. What I do is put spread similar items over the categories. For example I recently listed two hand embroidered pictures - I put one in Embroidered Hoop Art, and the other in Hand Embroidery. They could have gone in either, or in other sections. It’s easy to change once the item is listed, so you can experiment.
Definitely add more description - you are telling the story about how you created it, and selling your enthusiasm about your wonderful hand crafted piece, rather than just putting it on a shop shelf and saying here it is. (I know this isn’t always easy, I found it super hard in the beginning).
And add info about measurements and how to care for the item. It reassures the customer. You can space it out, with the “useful but not critical” info at the bottom.
The words in your listing also help with "Search - together with the other info (title, category etc).
Folksy have a great blog on how “Search” works, and how you can maximise your listing. I think this is the latest version that’s been updated even though it was first posted in 2017.
What’s good about Folksy is that neither the recency of listing, nor number of sales/reviews affects your chance of being found in the main Search function, which is good for non-Plus members and new shops. We are all equal here .
One of the reasons to fill in your socials is to help customers connect with you, especially if you do informationsl posts about your craft, rather than just another a place to show products.
It is also helpful when other sellers do mutual promotion - for example Folksy Friday boards - so you can be tagged if your item is included.
Finally, join in some of the showcase threads on here, and share your listing in the Folksy shop FB page. It’s a great way of showing your products more widely and meet other sellers. I find Folksy shop owners are a friendly helpful community and always willing to help. Including pointing out my typos
Sorry this is an epic response, hopefully you will get some good ideas from it. Best of luck with your shop.
Thank you ever so much for your reply. The information is very welcome and sooo helpful! Lots of reading for me!
So, we have a large candle holder thats listed under candles. The item can also be used as a decorative dish. I assume ill have to list under a different category (whichever that may be).
Sorry to peck your head but i’m struggling to find a sub category for a tray with handles. The only heading i can see it fitting into is ‘everything else’ TUis seems quite an odd place for it go! The item itself can be used in numerous ways so im confused. Thank you
Hi Susan @itsatwinthing TBH, I don’t stress too much about what category things are in, I’ll choose the best fit even if it’s just “everything else”. I may have a quick look to see where other similar items by other sellers are listed - but that can sometimes make it worse as everyone has their own thoughts on what their item should be “used for”.
Just go ahead and get your products listed - if they aren’t on the site thay can’t be found . You can always change categories later if you think they can be improved. One of the fab things about Folksy is that changes start taking effect immediately - so you won’t lose “traction” if you alter anything.
Your tray with handles will most likely be found through search within Folksy, rather than someone going straight to the categories. Categories are used in “search” in Folksy, but it’s only part of the algorithm, so you are better off working on titles and descriptions - that will help customers find you both in Folksy and through Google search.
And then start working on tags. Folksy tags are internal to the site and behave differently to the way you do them on social media. You don’t smooch the words together but keep them separate exactly as someone would type into the search bar so homedecor should be home decor.
I notice you’ve used things like FindmeonFolksy and FolksyFriday - these are good for social media but as Folksy tags can’t be seen outside the system they aren’t that useful in product listings. Just use words and phrases that are relevant to your product.
Also check out the Theme of the Day as you can tag a few relevant items with a specific phrase and they will be included in the daily promotion. Your incence sticks might work for tomorrow’s theme linked to Blue Monday - add the tag self care . More info here How can I appear in the 'Theme of the Day' on the Folksy homepage? – Folksy Support & Knowledge Base
Hi welcome to Folksy
I had a quick look at your shop, there were 2 candle holders on the top row I think that arn’t clear by the photos what they are, I think one of them had a brush set in the holder. I personally would put a candle in the holder to match the title of the piece. I think the photos on these two items were a little busy and your items didn’t stand out enough, I would still use those photos but not as the main ones.
Also the little sage and incense holder is slightly chopped off on the photo, I like this photo better as the product really stands out against the simple background but it could just do to be more central.
You have some lovely items, congratulations on the first sale as well .
Hi! Thank you so much for your feedback. Yes , my twin sister pointed out the candle holder pics being too busy so ive changed them.
Changed the pics on the incence/sage holder so thank you for your insight.
Being newbies it was just a case of getting items listed etc and then tweaking as we go along.