If that’s the case I’m going to buy something unnecessary just so I can come sit on the naughty step and eat tarts!
What is this talk about tarts?
I wouldn’t say my excuses are getting wilder, for example my last excuse was it was on sale and if I wait until I do need it , it will have gone back to pre sale price so I’m saving money in the long run… very long run lol
I think it’s worth the risk Lynne @PaintedHorseArt
Brenda said there were blackcurrant cream tarts on the naughty step yesterday, there may be some today if we’re lucky!
Seriously ladies, me buying things I don’t need and Caroline putting me on the step every other week with cream teas and tarts (no offence not talking about any of you … I meant edible tarts) is doing nothing for my waistline, I am spreading fast as Nobody, not one of you told me that when I was put on the naughty step I didn’t have to actually reach for the cream cakes in real life !
I failed in July. My yarn supplier had a sale on the designer yarns I use. Two large boxes arrived which I couldn’t hide from hubby having promised him I would not buy any more! Spare room is full of yarn, the wardrobe is full of boxes with gemstones and sterling silver findings. Part of our fitted wardrobe has all the made up jewellery in it and every bed has yarns under them in plastic boxes.
I think I need to stop before he divorces me. I need more than the naughty step; perhaps hypnosis may help!!!
Prison with all your yarn! Lol.
Hi Everyone. I’m only buying what I run out of over the summer. I bought elastic as my roll was empty.
My daughter has recently taught herself crochet and cross stitch and is always asking to go to the craft shop. It’s hard to say no. But being good.
Hands up and on my way to the naughty step as bought some charms. I needed them to add to my new projects, could not photograph let alone list in my shop without them.
To salve my conscience have just cleared out the cutlery drawer which also stores our meds, all organised you would be proud. Found manuals for items that have long gone to the heaven for small white goods.
Reading the responses above, then I’m a bit like Kermit - half way up the stairs and half way down. Bottom of the stairs then temptation is buying may one more fat quarter. Half Way up and still buying wondering if I should just go and buy the matching fat quarter but lordy if I’ve reached the top, then I’m wondering if a larger cupboard will be needed.
I have just ordered some bead storage boxes to get my craft studio in order. Okay maybe did not need them but! cannot find things as so many places to store so had to buy them to save duplications in purchases in the future.
I am probably going to fail tomorrow as I have to go to town with my daughter to get her laptop fixed and I realised I have £10 in vouchers for Hobbycraft that need to be used before the 24th August.
Yes but vouchers are not buying as already paid for. It is the additions that fall into your basket and take it over the £10.
That’s what I am afraid of
So Hobbycraft didn’t turn out too bad on the stash side, I used my £10 in vouchers and another £6 but I got two box frames for half price and a free ball of yarn on a 3 for 2 offer!