No Buy Supplies June 2024

Well I have spent far too much this month so far. So doing a no buy June, who wants to join me?

This does not include buying supplies from Folksy sellers as not really buying just spreading the love.

Does not include essentials to help you create. Such as glue thread etc


I’m definitely in Caroline…I always spend way too much on absolute none essential purchases that I can no longer fit in my room. I have a good sized sewing room with huge cupboards, drawer units and an ottoman bed yet I still manage to have at least 6 large tubs in the loft :laughing: :rofl: :joy: i bet just about everyone on here can relate to it, I still need to think about decluttering my stash but don’t have time to create for my shop and declutter…anyone got a fairy who can come and do it for me in their shop ? I’m willing to pay a good price :laughing:


I can be your de clutter fairy :grin: I am a brilliant de clutterer actually and I make a lovely cup of tea too :joy:


If I stock up during May I can join :joy::joy:

I’ve been doing really good since we did this but I’m now running low on a few things


I too have failed miserably in May, It all started with buying bias binding that I needed for an order.
I have had a few days off and went on an away day with my cousin, we found a wool shop and I found some yarn which was on offer and while I was in the shop I saw a fat quarter that I couldn’t just leave there and then to top it all when I was leaving feedback for my bias binding on E Bay and I saw some more yarn that was a good offer.:cry:

We are going for an away day to Teignmouth tomorrow and I can’t make any guarantees!

It’s a good job my cousin is back to work next week as she is leading me astray and I need to justify my purchases by getting back to making.

So I will definitely be joining no buy June!:joy:


I will have to join in as I had to order a new Samsung tablet costing me £900.00. Thankfully to help with the blow my husband allowed me his have old small Samsung tab for a £200.00 trade in allowance. Problem is I don’t get it until the end of June! I can’t take anymore photos etc as my current tablet is full. We have deleted all apps extra just to take a few photos for the craft drop event on my new things and allow me space to send emails.

Hoping for some sales from this weekends ‘craft drop’ but not expecting to do well. I never seem to sell on any of Folksy events, which then depresses me!


Oh yes Lynne wouldn’t that be fun… how long will it take you to get to East Yorkshire ?
I love declutterring and organising, it’s so satisfying to get rid of the things we dont need…except for crafts that is. I can turf clothes out by the bin bag full but that 12" long piece of thread mght be useful :laughing: :rofl:

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You are all okay until 1st June then on,y essentials to enable your making. I have gone mad this month not sure why but has got to stop. Decluttering my studio but then buy more! Just see things that talk to me saying ‘buy me’. The problem is I look at what I have and know will never get through it all but do think this is a crafters problem.


Takes me about two hours to get to York, it could be a grand day out! Get the kettle on :rofl:
I don’t think I’m a proper crafter as I’m not great at gathering supplies, although I do have a thing for particularly pretty hand dyed yarn.


I definitely think it is a crafters problem! I can hear my Mum saying to my Dad now, "but it’s a bargain and it won’t go off":joy:


I love York, takes us about 1.5 hours I think.
Oh I didn’t realise there was such a thing as a crafter who doesn’t hoard lol
Kettle’s on !


Oh dear, on our day trip to Teignmouth we found a wool and a craft shop and I succumbed to a ball of yarn (to try it out and see what it knits up like😄)a knitting pattern book, some buttons and some cording. The cording I did actually need, the rest just jumped out and said buy me!

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I have some lovely fabric, Liberty, Kaffe Fasset and Moda. I too have decided not to buy any further fabric until all this lovely fabric is used in my quilts, but it is a struggle to cut it up into smaller pieces, because I love to take the fabrics out and look at them. :smile:

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Yes, I’m definitely with you on that.

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Just a gentle reminder only 2 days left to buy. I have so got to follow this as yesterday ordered a new iMac and printer from John Lewis. Due tomorrow. Only good thing saved £70 as had been humming and harring when to order. Saving up for an electrical die cutting machine. The arthritis in my hands does not like turning the handle. May get Lee to get for my Birthday.


I bought some threads off a fellow member at our local craft club and hopefully that’s me done for buying for May and can go into June with no supplies needed to be bought🤭we’ll see.

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Well so far so good, do have a couple things waiting delivery but ordered in May. Have to own up to going a bit mad at the end of May and seem to have loads of black lace suddenly for my ‘Creep on June’ project.

If struggling oil on here and we will try to help each other.

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I have been mostly good although ;
I bought linen thread for thread jointing as i had run out and thought I needed it for a restoration bear (turns out I didn’t need that but thought I did)
I also bought a shutter but technically that’s not fabric or buttons or anything like that and I NEEDED it for photographing.
I do need to place an order for joints, eyes and growlers for restoration bears that I’m currently working on so while I’m there and to save a fortune in postage I will stock up on joints for my bears, but they are necessities so I don’t think they will count either.
What else … oh yes I ordered more tiny brass rings for my new crazy patchwork bears as I’ve almost run out…yep they are a necessity so i can get away with that as well.
Still trying to recall everything but I am certain none were for pleasure or just because !

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Well what can I say Debby?naughty step with Brenda for you, don’t enjoy the cake too much, lol.


Oh I thought I would have been excused as they are all necessities…(head down in shame and saddened) but I think me and Brenda will have a whale of a time on the step if there is cake to be had and if we get cake for over spending I see some large orders in my crystal ball.

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