I’ve got several variations in my shop, mostly for different prints of fabrics of the identical item. I often find, particularly at Christmas time customers may like to buy a few of the choices in the listing. Is there a way to allow more than one purchase from the listing? I can’t see how I might implement that and a, hoping someone might have found a work around!
Thank you!
I don’t think you can purchase more than one variation at a time from the same listing, the customer would need to go back and re-purchase the same listing with a different variation (provided you’d set the stock number for the listing higher than 1, as on this platform you can’t set individual stock numbers for each variation). Unless someone else knows of a workaround?
Ah thank you, that’s what I was seeing. Very frustrating as it means they need to pay full shipping for each one. Will need to rethink how I list them.
What I do for the items that have just a couple of variations, eg colour a and colour b, I add a 3rd option, where I say both (colours a & b) with a discounted price.
Like I have for this listing Christmas Gift Card Holder, Gift Wallet, Christ... - Folksy
Of course, if you have more than 2 options, you would need to add options to cover all possible purchases, eg colour a & b, colour a & c, all colours, and so on, which might make it a bit too complicated. (maybe ok for 3 options but any higher than that I would personally chose not to do it this way).
Thank you, that’s worth considering. I do have about 6+ on most listings, so I’m thinking I shall have to probably re photo and list all individually. Definitely something needed to be added to variations here I think!
You could consider offering combined shipping or setting the ‘with another item’ price on your postage to a small amount that would cover the extra if people bought two items. Or just refund any overcharged postage after they’ve purchased. Customers like combined postage - I’ve certainly found that the extra sales I get because of it more than compensate for the odd package that costs me more than the customer paid!
It was mentioned from Camilla (I believe) in one of the webinars a few weeks ago that they are working on some changes for the variations, so fingers crossed we will have something a lot better soon.
Another way of doing it, could be having the drop down menu for the quantity they want, where you can manage the price as well, and then having the text variation where they could actually write the design they want and how many of each. For example choose the quantity of 3 from drop down, and write on the text : 1 red 2 blue
something similar to this Personalised Christmas Decoration - Father Chri... - Folksy
Thank you, I have combined shipping, but if they can only buy one from a listing that makes it obsolete.
Thank you, that might be a workaround. Fingers crossed for a better update!
@rachelgreencrafts As long as the item has a quantity higher than 1, they’ll be able to purchase multiples, they just have to add each one to basket individually. So go to the listing, make their selection for the first item, add to basket, go back to the listing, make their selection for the second item, add to basket.
It’ll still be in the same order so shipping is combined, they don’t have to pay separately, just select individually as the options could get in a confusing mess if you selected them all at once (I recently had an order for 3 of the same item which had 3 variations - I’d definitely have got confused if they hadn’t been separated out).
Thank you. I will try this.
I’m sure getting all the technology right on variations isn’t simple but it can be done. Our card machine - Zettle - has variation options which include number in stock and price per item in the listing - eg I can have two waste paper baskets in one listing - different sizes and different prices - but the come up clearly when you want to charge for them. Keeping all these different things running must be a big job for the team