Oh cripes!

Ooh 'eck! A friend just posted a pic of her copy of Craftseller on FB, and there I am, gurning out of the page. It’s made me feel a bit queasy!

So, a question for you: is it acceptable to run to Tesco in my jammies to buy a copy?


Hi Claire

That’s great to hear your work has been featured in a magazine. Well done :slight_smile:
You definitely need to go and grab yourself a copy.
I’ve seen a few people knocking about the shops in onesies lately. I even saw a lady run into the chip shop the other day in a leopard print one and it made me chuckle.
I definately think featuring in a magazine earns you the right to run into Tesco in yer jammies :grinning::grinning:


in this situation I think it is perfectly reasonable :smiley:

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Aw, thanks! I managed to resist last night, but will dash out after my cuppa.

A leopard-print onesie? Wowsers! A while ago I saw a bloke walking down the street in a grey onesie that had buttons printed on (no idea how he actually got into it, the buttons weren’t real). I genuinely thought he was wearing a babygrow for a charity fun run or similar…

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I would say HELL YES, its acceptable :slight_smile:

It’s not acceptable in Cardiff! People have been banned from Tesco for wearing PJs!!

its acceptable here after midnight, been shopping at 3am at tesco in my pjs.

Rather begs the question: how many people were shopping in their PJs for them to feel the need to ban it? I have visions of half of Cardiff out shopping in their dressing gowns!

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**would be funny to imagine :smiley: **


Although there were rumours of a nudist night in one of our Tescos - allegedly they were made to wear clear plastic pinnies around the fresh goods… I don’t think this was an actual thing, but it made me laugh.


Congratulations! PJ’s? Most definitely, as long as they are quite covering. It can be chilly down the freezer isles! Remember your slippers…

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If anyone objects, just show them the mag and say ‘don’t you know who I am?’


That article’s great. I love the indignation of the person they interviewed - wouldn’t dream of doing a full shop in PJs…

I wouldn’t go out without my face on let alone wearing PJ’s, have some self respect please !! especially if you have been featured in a mag, you want people to see you at your best not your worse .