Hi, I am just curious at to what payment is made from the buyer, ie PayPal or credit/debit card through stripe…
Can all payments be made through PayPal?
Hi, I am just curious at to what payment is made from the buyer, ie PayPal or credit/debit card through stripe…
Can all payments be made through PayPal?
You can have either or, or both @AuroraJaynesPaperieStudio, paypal is straightforward if you already have an account, but for stripe you will need to set up an account with them.
I have both and no issues at all, customers pay be either, many just have paypal though, it’s down to your own preference
best wishes
I only have Paypal set up against my shop and that has to date never caused a problem. Money goes straight into my Paypal account and I withdraw to my current account pretty promptly. Never leave much in there. I often need to refund postage, where someone buys more than one thing, and I can easily do that via Paypal and the customer gets their excess postage back right away.
I am not sure that this will happen with Stripe, think it can take several days and that is one big reason I don’t want to use it.
Also I get all the money from the sale into Paypal and then pay Folksy my sales commission at the start of the next month when my bill is issued. I believe Stripe deducts the commission at point of sale. I far prefer to see all my commission on a single monthly Folksy ‘statement’ .
That’s my feelings anyway
Thank you for your response
Ah right I don’t like waiting… maybe PayPal is better…thank you for your reply