Running down my shop

It’s with a sad heart that I wont be listing any more items and will be letting my shop run down, I have too many other commitments that I’m not going to be able to spend the necessary time making and promoting.
I shall pop in from time to time and promote your lovely goodies whenever possible and join in on the Forum chat. There will be the items that are already listed in my shop up to the end of the year.
Lynn x

That’s a real shame Lynn, you’ve been on here since I joined a few years back, so I’ll miss seeing your work, but I wish you well in whatever else you’ll be doing instead.

That is a shame, but you have to do what you have to do. I’ll miss you! Good luck in whatever you do.

A month ago I decided I was going to do the same, but it turns out I’m too addicted…there are so many other things I should be doing. Well done for making a difficult decision and good luck…
Chris x

Oh that’s a shame but wishing you all the best in whatever you are doing xx

Lynn we’ll miss you and hope things will change once again for you and you’ll be able to take up the ropes once again.

All the best with everything.

I think its always sad when we lose a shop, I understand your reasons, but you will be missed

Sad to hear this Lynn.
Wishing you happiness :smile:

Sorry to read this Lynn. We will all miss you. All the best for the future :slight_smile:


A big shame that your closing. I wish you well in your other committments.


That’s a shame Lynne but I hope you have lots of fun doing whatever else you’ll be doing instead!!

Thank you all so much for you kind words and thoughts it means a lot.
I’m not going to close my shop once all my items have delisted just put in (extended) holiday mode so that when things have calmed down for me I can return to listing again. I just have so much on for the foreseeable future, an elderly (91 year old) dad to care for, my eldest son who lives alone with his dog had just been given a promotion which will mean he’s out of the house for long hours so I’m looking after his dog during the day, helping a family member who has had a breakdown, and last but not least being able to spend some leisure time with my lovely hubby.
In the meantime I’ll be popping in whenever I get the chance to join in with pinning and loving your items, also to keep up to date with Folksy so when I’m able to return I’ll know what I’m supposed to be doing.
Lynn x


sounds like you have a lot going on Lynn, hope it all works out for you x

You certainly do have a lot of other committments. Hope everything goes works out for you and you’re able to return soon.

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Many thanks Diane @dikeeblebeadsandjewellery and Pauline @PaulinesCrafts.
Lynn x

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Hope things works out for you Lynn and that you’ll be able to return again soon all the best.


Well down for making that decision

I guess it all boils down to ‘work-life-balance’

All the best


Many thanks Teresa @CraftyBags and Tola @DetolaAndGeek.
Have put my shop into holiday mode for a little while, have got my brother staying for a week or so as we’re doing to work on my Dad’s house for him.
Lynn x