Say one positive thing about the shop above your post. Could be about a particular item, the quality of the photographs, the way someone has written their descriptions, the layout of the shop etc.
(sorry, whoever posts next will have to start with mine!)
I love how you’ve added some print to this bag with the strap and zip pull. I love the practicality of waxed cotton but it can look really dull without a pop of colour and print. I’ve used a colourful cotton print to line the one in my shop but you can’t see that on the outside! Excellent idea of yours and wish I’d have thought of it
As two sellers have reviewed @Macclesfieldbagworks at the same time( and I’ll second every nice thing they say about it), I’ll do two shall I?
@MinpinTowers First, what a great shop name! These coasters would make such a unique gift for a music lover and a very clear photo too. xxx
I’ve long been a fan of Debbie’s @thecrimsonrabbit Liberty coin purses, not only because they are so beautiful but also because I’m in awe of anyone who can make these as I find them really difficult! And a beautifully staged photo too.
Whats more positive than repurposing every day items and turning them into something beautiful! Mick @SteampunkCreativeEngineering you’ve done just that. Lovely shop to have a browse and be amazed!
So many lovely cheerful items in @SeaPinkCards shop, this wonderful hand painted bookmark would be a great addition to your holiday packing, or simply to use at home to remind your the seaside.
I love this card as it reminds of of the retro shapes of the 1950s and 60s. An era that I particularly love for design. Happy positive colours too that tie in with choosing the right emotional design for cards.
I really love the way Maddie @VioletFlameGlassArt uses glass to depict natural things. I could have chosen several pieces to highlight but as I only get one shot I have chosen this Beehive hanging garden ornament - we must all love the bees.
I just popped on to Elizabeth’s shop , I think the way these patchwork materials have been chosen for each of the packages is great, thinking about getting some for my bookbinding
Hi Sue @MinpinTowers I’m so impressed with your crochet work, especially considering the issues with your hands in particular, you should be proud of your work, its lovely and delicate.