Sea glass drilling - advice needed please!

I make sea glass jewellery which often involves drilling pieces of sea glass. I have a Dremel 4000 which works really well, but am struggling to find a source of reliable, affordable, small, diamond drill bits. Hobby Craft sells a set of 20 but only one or two are small enough. The other ones I have ordered from the internet haven’t been good enough quality to drill more than one or two pieces, if any at all :frowning:

If anyone can point me in the right direction for decent drill bits, it would make my life so much easier.

Thanks in advance

I get mine from Eternal Tools, they are pricey, but last well if used properly.

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Thanks @deborahjonesjewellery, I’ll look into that :grin:

E-bay, there you will be spoiled for choice,I use them to drill rock up to Agate hardness so with glass they will do the job well, and not expensive.