Hi everyone. We made some changes to the Search algorithm yesterday as part of our work to show customers the best results possible. It would be really helpful to get your feedback. Could you let us know if you’re now seeing more relevant results when searching for items on Folksy? Thank you
Soo much better. Very happy, all the searches I tried brought up relevant results. Thank you
I am finding more appropriate results, especially based on words in the title. I am also seeing more of my items from titles and specific tags. I also found a few of my items in more popular tags such as ‘mothers day’. Thank you.
I’m fairly new so wasn’t expecting mine to be near the top. I searched my shop name with no spaces and you can see from the picture below, I appeared (but not my E*** shop)
I then searched ‘crochet cuffed newborn baby booties’ I didn’t come up in first 10 pages, but changed to images and I had 1 folksy listing at the bottom of page 1 and several on page 2. None of my E*** listings appeared. This was on google. On bing my shop came up straight away with spaces between the words, again only my Folksy shop
When I went on the shopping tab, I didnt find any folksy items in all of the 8 pages
I havent searched on folksy for things yet
Much better. Thank you!
Hey @CrochetandI this update is in regard to search on Folksy itself: Search on Folksy not Google Search
Whoops!!! Sorry for misunderstanding- I didn’t show on google last week if I searched.
No worries, that’s something worth celebrating then
All searches ive just tried brought up relevant results, so a very good improvement on recent results.
Thank you!
Real improvement all round
A big ‘thumbs up’ from me as I’m actually finding items that I’m searching for! Thank you for the update.
Much, much better
fabulous so much better and quicker too
Is anything done with search to limit the number of results by individual sellers per page?
If you search for ‘crochet baby blanket’ on the first page one seller has 11 items out of 20
And I’ve just search for ‘birthday card girl’ and one seller pretty much takes up the first 6 and a half pages!
I know it’s about playing the search engine game with tags etc. But I think it’d be nice for buyers to see a range of sellers, especially on the first few pages.
Would be good to know what other people think?
@kazandstace I agree very much with your view, and I find the same problem with Theme of the Day. I would like to see a mix of images from different sellers, no matter what the listing date is. Am I rightly or wrongly under the impression that the latest listings are always given preference?
This is a really good point and probably deserves a thread all on it’s own.
I’d definitely like to see a bit more control on the amount of listings that get daily ‘exposure’ so everyone gets a fair crack at being seen. I’ve noticed blocks of listings by a single shop when you search for an item (I expect the search term is best matched to them) and also I guess some people re-list and refresh all their existing items every day with one click - does this push genuinely ‘new listings’ down the line? It would be good if somehow multiple relisting was slightly regulated so that more sellers get realistic exposure and customers get a wider spread of choice.
Of course popular and nice items deserve plenty of extra exposure as do shops that work hard at being seen (theme of the day etc.). All efficient, well run shops deserve success and extra time in the spotlight, but if a limited number of shops predominate customers may think there is lack of choice and variety in the listings which could put them off Folksy.
The tag pages (what you see when you click “see more” on theme of the day) are chronological, but what shows in the little section on the front page is a random selection from all of the items and how recently it was listed/relisted makes no difference to whether it’ll show.
I’ve noticed a lot of big blocks of search results from single sellers too - I’m not sure there’s an easy or totally fair answer to this issue but as a buyer I’d much prefer to see less ‘clumping’ in search results, I much prefer having items from several different shops on any one search page and it’s discouraging if you have to scroll through three or four whole pages of stuff from the same shop (especially if said shop is nice but not quite what you were looking for) before seeing items from other shops.
Yeah, @LooneySpoons I agree with what you and @Fififoxi said, it’ll put buyers off if they’re only seeing a couple of sellers and the style isn’t what they’re looking for. They’ll get bored if they’re getting 6,7,8 pages in and not seeing anything that interests them
@konyskiw Thanks for your reply Kim, that’s what I thought. It was the ‘see more’ click on theme of the day, rather than the home page images that I was thinking of, and the ‘see more’ often shows large numbers from one seller on one page. I assume it is as @Fififoxi mentions, that Folksy Plus sellers are able to multiple relist items every day.