Something very exciting has appeared in your Folksy shops

Don’t despair…it’s only showing the last week or so…

I have Favorited one of your items to try and make you feel better!!

xx :grinning:

Sorry, that might sound patronising. You’re perfectly entitled to BE UNHAPPY. Just so that’s clear. :smile:


This is amazing…activity has been happening in the last couple of days that I was not even aware of…so happy to have been added to a couple of gift guides :smile:
Thank you Folksy, I love it already :blush: x

@dottiedesigns it only goes back until the 14th Oct! Don’t despair! :grin: I know its not great though!

This is great, it;s so useful to get more insight into our pages. I had no idea some of my items had been added to the Christmas Gift Guide for example! This really helps us understand what people like very quickly, as sales alone aren’t always an indication of appreciation!

Thanks @folksycontent

Thank you @folksycontent It is brilliant. I am going to find this so helpful.

exciiiiiting !
thanks - this sounds great as i have been wondering about this kind of information and when it would be available.

Really useful, thanks folksy and big grin :grinning: to see my holly bowl in the Christmas gift guide. I was also surprised at what items had been favourited so it should be good for planning new items.

It’s really great fun, I have a few activities, yay!!

WOW !! that is brilliant!

Can I ask Camilla @folksycontent will it tell us if someone shares our items onto Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest?

Not yet Diane. The plan is that it will also tell you when you are featured in the Folksy Finds newsletter, the seller email and when we share you on our social channels, but those will all take quite a bit more work and we wanted to get it released as soon as possible.

You will all get a weekly round-up email too if there has been activity on your shop, and I know Doug is working on that now, so hopefully it won’t be long.


Can’t wait for Doug and his spanner to sort out the overload so I can get in to look at mine. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Wow, thank you! I love your Russian dolls purse set!

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A big thank you to Folksy for featuring my work in 2 gift guides! Exciting!

WOW! What a fab new addition, really love it. Well done Folksy team. x

Love it! Great new feature. Thanks.

I love this new feature, thank you for including it. Every now and again my daily stats are higher than usual and I wonder why but this feature will help point out if one of my items has been featured somewhere.

Thanks it looks great

Thank you so much Folksy! It is nice to see who favourites items and it builds confidence too. xx