I’m really excited about the new search update. As anyone else noticed a big difference in daily shop views?
Mine have gone up drastically since Folksy announced the changes. I’m sure its not a coincidence.
On a normal day before I got at most 5 or 6 views… I had 47 views yesterday, and 25 views the day before. My Google analytics chart was working overtime lol. Noticed some views from Google search too which never happened before.
Oh yes and a nice sale on Tuesday which put another big smile on my face…
I’m really loving Folksy at the moment
We can’t tell yet whether it has made a difference here as we have been trying British Crafters this week.
View have been doubled to norm but still waiting for a sale, only need 2 to hit the magic 50, (can’t wait to receive the Folksy congrats on reaching 50 email).
That’s good to know Heather that your shop views have doubled! Fingers crossed for a sale - you are getting great likes & comments on fb and favourited tweets which is good!
My Folksy shop views are dire unless I promote promote promote. One day last week that was busy on BC I did nothing with my own shop and have 2 views!!!
I find mine go down pretty quickly if I don’t list or promote - I only had 4 one day after I had been quiet for a couple of days. It’s hard to keep on it every day!
I seem to get between 20 and 30 a day at the moment which doesn’t seem many , but sales are steady . So I must be being seen by the right few people.
I find it quite disheartening when it says 100’s have looked (due to some promotion) but it hasn’t resulted in a sale, makes me question where I’ve gone wrong.
Don’t tell us it’s an urban myth…read it somewhere a while ago that Folksy send an email to congratulate on reaching XXX sales. When we’ve dragged the next 2 in we’ll let you know if it happens.
I think they must be new(ish), I remember someone saying they had one for a milestone I had passed a while ago without notice. I did get a nice ‘congrats on your first sale’ message for my new shop the other day though.
I think that this couple of weeks up to Easter can be quiet, probably the quietest of my year so I just carry on regardless, promoting, promoting, oh and making glass of course and expect everything to return to normal when the holidays are out of the way. )
Although my views have increased the last couple of days, it might be too early to tell…
Does anyone know…if you get views from Search, how will they show in GA?
I’m getting views from folksy . com/referral. Would that be the forums or search or other?
While Folksy is including our own views in the data it is hard to tell what are my views and what are visitors views. According to Google Analytics there is no change in my shop