The Little Bead Box is closing down

Afternoon everyone. I’ve made a momentous decision - I’m closing the shop much sooner rather than later. I’ve just had enough.

All my stock is going to the local school art department, so if there is anything you fancy, let me know - ALL offers considered, whether reasonable or not! Everything is reduced by at least 50% anyway and if you use the code SUNSHINE, you will get another 20% off.

It’s been great being on here, but my shop has just run it’s course.


Sorry to see you go :frowning: Good luck for the future :heart:

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Just ordered a few bits - not sure I really need them but might as well stock up!

Many thanks for your order. I’ll get your stuff out first thing Monday morning.


Thanks, Roz, I really appreciate your support.

Thank you so much :heart:

I’m sorry to go liZ
When properly?
As I’d love to get afew things but don’t.get paid till Tuesday.
You always have lovely crafty bits

@hobbitgirlie1880, Hi, I won’t be actually closing for a week or two, so you have plenty of time if there is something you fancy. Thanks for thinking of my little shop - don’t forget the SUNSHINE discount code.


It really will be sad to see you close up.
Hope you will still come say hello on here.

Will be sorry to see you go Liz, I love your buttons, have placed an order and hopefully might be able to place another one before you close.
Good luck with wherever your future takes you.
Lynn x

sorry to hear that. have just placed an order anyway. good luck in the future

Liz sorry to hear that your closing your shop, good luck with whatever you get up to next.

Sorry to see you go Liz good luck in what ever you decide to do.

Really sorry to see you go Liz.

Do pop in from time to time to keep in touch. I hope things go well for you.



Hey Liz☺️
Sorry to read you have had enough. Lovely of you to donate what’s left to your local school - they will be thrilled to receive them! I have also just placed an order & included some buttons for my local secondary :smile:
Best wishes, Rebecca x

Sorry to see you go, Liz, sometimes these things have to happen so we can move forward. I’ve just closed my other shop TheCraftyBride and the account, literally 5 minutes ago, after 5 and a half years. Its the end of an era but it had to happen so that I could concentrate on this shop. The remaining stock from TheCraftyBride is still for sale on the “rival” site though, as I get more sales over there, can’t wait to close that one too!

Sorry to see you are going Liz. Sadly you aren’t the first and you won’t be the last. Everything expires in my shop at the end of May and unless a miracle happens and I get a sudden influx of orders, I will be closing my shop.:frowning:

I am also considering closing my shop. I don’t particularly like Folksy now, I thought recently it’s not a fair playing field. Everyone should have a chance of Folksy promotion, but alas it doesn’t seem that way.
Good luck Liz for the future. Marg. x

Loved your little shop, sorry to hear you are closing. Best wishes for the future.

Natasha x

Thank you Liz, my order arrived today - lots of beads, now I can add beads and flowers to everything! Thanks again.
