Theme of the day -41 listings from the same shop!

The answer of course would be to make the daily theme tags more specific using terms which people would not use as a tag when creating their listings but tags which have to be added to fit the theme of the day.
Not ‘Lemon’ but ‘lemon fruit’ for example. Or not just ‘Somerset’ but ‘made in somerset’ so it would then only pick up things specifically tagged

BUT -I would like to make that BUT ten times bigger…

Then it would be totall unfair to the hundreds, no it must be at least 3 thousand, of sellers who sell on here but don’t frequent either here or the FB club and they would therefore be excluded from the Daily theme.
Which would be horrendously unfair and would Not in any way contribute to a balanced spread of lovely work of all types across the daily theme.

So I vote to carry on as we are. Picking up the tags which people add when listing and those which some people add to get in the daily theme and that way All Folksy sellers get a chance their work will appear as if by magic on the front page. And sometimes there will be a bit of a flood and most times there won’t be .
I wonder what %age of sales come via an appearance in the daily theme…
eeerrrrr… so small as to uncalculable I would imagine.