Theme of the day -41 listings from the same shop!

Hi there
I don’t normally get annoyed about stuff because life is too short BUT I am really furious about the listings for theme of the day today Saturday 10th February.

I think you will agree I have included the correct format for tagging in my title.
I have also added the appropriate tags to get noticed including Dragon and Year of the Dragon.
Those of you on 365 will be familiar with this listing and it has recieved multiple 'likes ’ and hearts.

However, I am NOT included in the promotion , 41 listings of fingerless gloves from the same shop are !! There are also 13 ‘articulated dragons’ from an ‘Authorised Seller’ ,whatever that means.

This has also happened to my listings in the Peach Fuzz category where my title and tags are the same (if not more appropriate ) as other sellersn and my listings don’t appear yet other shops have multiple listings.

What is going on ?? How can this happen if the most listings you are supposed to have in a promotion is 3 and one shop alone has 41 ?
I’m wondering if anyone else has come across this gross unfairness ?

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Susie, items included in the ‘theme of the day’ are listed automatically, based on the tags listed in your dashboard, but they are case sensitive. If you change your tag from ‘Dragon’ to ‘dragon’ it should appear.


Your dragon creation is there but agree some of the other items should not be. Sadly the same problem with theme of the day, people just tag their creations with everything. Folksy will do nothing as we have tried before even asking for items to be limited to 3.


Yes my two very definite dragons are rather overwhelmed… By things tagged just because they have a scaly pattern


Your dragon listing is showing in the theme for me, currently on the first page about half way down (if you only just tagged it, it may take a few minutes for the system to update so it’s best to wait 10 minutes before checking).

There are no restrictions on how many items you can have in theme of the day (other than on the favourite piece days).
The special sales events (such as Seconds Sunday) are automatically restricted that way by Folksy, but this isn’t on the themes of the day. Sellers also aren’t restricted by how many items they can tag as the tags are usually things that would be used in regular tagging, if it’s something that’s relevant to the item then it’s something they should probably be tagged with it anyway to help the items come up in search. Restricting how many items you can tag with a theme would mean those who have their items tagged with it normally because it’s relevant would have to check their listings to remove it from some, which would then make it harder to find those items in searches.
Theme of the day is meant to help with getting sellers to tag well and encourage sales, not to hinder them. Removing relevant tags or using up tag space with overly specific ‘tag 3 dragon 24’ type tags doesn’t help listings for search.


I think that one of the problems with “theme of the day” is that tags are automatically picked up…SO…if the theme of the day was “landscape”… I have dozens and dozens of them in my shop which of course would have been tagged “landscape” in my listing and then they would all have been picked up on the appropriate day.
It would then look like I was being pushy when in effect it was the system that picked up my tag.
I would hate to think that people would “call me out” for over tagging…
Maybe that has happened with other people too…
If I had painted 40+ dragons, they would all be tagged in my listing , with the word “dragon” and they would all be shown up on theme of the day ( by the way, I haven’t painted any dragons…yet…lol) I am just showing that the person with over 40 on the front page is not to blame for having so many showing up.xx
For the fingerless gloves the pattern is called “dragon scales” and therefore the word “dragon” would have picked them all up for the theme of the day x


Thank you so much to ;

Brenda @teabreaks
Kim @konyskiw
Caroline @Caroleecrafts
and Nikki @GlintBeads
for taking the time to reply to my post and shedding light on the system. I’ve brought up the Theme of the Day tags section on the dashboard and am I right in thinking if I use those tags EXACTLY as listed, my makes will show up in the feed?
I did think it was a combination of the item description plus tags, but it seems I was wrong?

Thanks again for checking the feed for my make and replying so swiftly xx


My understanding was that theme of the day tags are not case sensitive - so I went and checked and they are not - here is a link to the info on how to tag. Simply add the tag in the right-hand column of the list to your listing under “tags”. This has nothing to do with your item description:

It is a bit of a tricky thing - Brenda’s comments raise some of the issues - if a tag is “prints” and you have a shop full of photography, art or Lino prints for example, then they will all be picked up. Sometimes people do bend their product to suit the tag. I spotted ‘Somerset’ for this month and thought “ooh lucky me” as all my willow and rush comes from Somerset - another case where all my listings would then be picked up. But the description in the column on the left clearly states “Made in Somerset”. My baskets are made from Somerset willow and rush - which I go and hand-harvest myself - but they are not made in Somerset.


I think that tagging Somerset grown rush things as Somerset would be totally appropriate. I tagged my Lancashire Rose on the basis that it is caled Lancashire and I myself was made in Lancashire :slight_smile:


Well todays (19-02-24) theme is ‘Made in Somerset’ tag is ‘somerset’ found a few that are made Wales , Scotland, a few are prints of Somerset, but if you look at the Tags, in the listing they also inculde Deven, Cornwall, etc, surely if the ttheme is Made In Somerset’ then the tag sould be that as well, so it only show makers in Somerset, not Wales, or elsewhere
I just don’t feel like joining in with the Theme of the Day if it’s be misused


Hands up - I took a punt on this and probably shouldn’t have - I take your view that the tag should have been “Made in Somerset’ and not just “Somerset” - we do have other multi-worded tags. All my basketmaking materials - well very nearly all - come from Somerset - some I hand harvest myself,

To be fair to Alan’s prints - he had to be in Somerset to take the photos - so to me they were made in Somerset.


In that case I could tag all my greeting cards as they are printed in Burham in Somerset, I missed out there :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, must remember for next time.


It’s probably in everyone’s interests for Folksy pages to appeal to customers and look interesting and attractive - that surely means a variety of items displayed on any given page and not great blocks of items from one seller.

Of course there will be times when lots of ‘same shop’ items appear together (as Brenda @teabreaks said the ‘landscape’ tag might automatically apply to many listings)

Perhaps we should be encouraged to self limit the number of re-lists per day (or tagged ‘Theme of the Day’ items) and I also wonder if frequent ‘bulk renewals’ of a whole ‘shops contents’ could be discouraged somehow as it disadvantages many Folksy sellers.

I really don’t want to see a ‘heavily policed’ system of listings but would be nice to see everyone trying to ‘play fair’.


I drive ‘up north’ regularly just bypassing Bristol and realised I didn’t know which county you were in - your very own it would seem - Bristol County and Bristol City. I never knew that. :blush:


I do agree Anna - it irritates me when you can’t get past 2-3 pages of the same shop items. So I am guilty of the same thing but will consider things more carefully in future. I’m not actually sure why the tags aren’t just the description/intention given in the left column. “Made in Somerset” is much more focused than simply “Somerset”.


The problem with self limiting though is say the tag was something like floral, or as @teabreaks Brenda says landscape, that would mean some of us having to make a conscious effort to go through all our listings to remove legitimate tags that we put there when we created the listing, not too bad for me as I don’t carry huge amounts of stock, but for some of us it would be far too time consuming and then you’d have to go back the next day and add them all again?


That is a problem - and I certainly wouldn’t countenance that - I now have to go through my listings - not a huge number - and change “Somerset” back to “Somerset Rush” and “Somerset Willow”. It would certainly be an issue for us if “prints” was the tag and we wouldn’t be going through all of Alan’s prints to remove a relevant and appropriate tag. Perhaps where the name is a bit more descriptive - as in this case - we should choose to follow its intention.

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Ah, it’s not as straightforward as that, quite a large portion of nort east Bristol is in South Gloucestershire!, as was the situation last week for the by-election, where Labour got in, but 9nly for a short time, because they have messed around with the Electoral Boundaries, so we will come under North Somerset, so we will have to chuck out Mr J R Mogg, :grinning:


I’m sure there must be some possible coding solution to avoid big blocks of listings from the same shops, at least on the first, say, three pages of search results? Other platforms seem to manage this. Either that, or limit the number of relistings that can be done at one go, or limit the number per day, or limit or even stop the free relistings altogether and just charge no initial fee for unlimited new listings?


You’re right Lynne @PaintedHorseArt I agree when it comes to tags and geographical locations we’ll just have to put up with seeing ‘lots of ‘block appearances’ from one shop’ - it is unrealistic to expect shops to change multiple tags every time if they coincide with the chosen theme and it could happen to any of us.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed though that admin could come up with a ‘daily listing limit’ of perhaps 5 or 10 items/tags per day at least that would stop flooding a whole page with one shops items - but of course that might not be technically feasible.

As I said earlier we don’t really want to see a heavily policed listing system but it would be nice if the more frequent ‘bulk listers’ were discouraged.

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