Thinking of Folksy Plus - is it worth it?

Hi everyone, I haven’t listed on Folksy in a while but am thinking of opening my shop up here again, but with Folksy Plus. I notice that it’s increased from £49 to £60 a year now, so I was wondering if it’s really worth it. For those of you who have it do you easily get that back in sales? I know it probably helps to be able to relist everyday, but I’d like some honest opinions if you don’t mind sharing:)

Many thanks in advance for any replies!

How many items have you got? If you’ve got enough to list new or relist something every day then I’d say it’s worth it, if not then I’d stick to a regular account.

I don’t make items quickly enough to have something new every day (or even every week), but over many years I’ve built up stock, and when I joined here I had 120 items. That means 1 item every day for 4 months, and then they’ll start expiring and I’ll need to renew them, so for me it was worth it. Whether I make the money back in sales or not, if I want to have a fully stocked Folksy shop, it’s more cost effective for me to have a plus account than not, and there’s no point not listing everything because I definitely won’t sell it if it’s not listed.

If I had under 120 items, I would consider how likely it is I’ll make that many more new items. I don’t really see the point in renewing items before they expire (I know they get a tiny bump in search results, but overall I don’t expect that makes much difference to sales), so I never considered the ability to relist every day into my decision.

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The plus account shouldn’t be thought of in terms of making the cost back in sales (as sales are determined by promotional efforts not size of shop) but whether it is good value for the number of items you have. The cost of the plus account is equivalent to 334 listings/relistings per year or 111 listings being listed/ renewed when they are about to expire for an entire year. If you have fewer listings than that then stick with pay as you go, more than that then get a plus account.

I have over 300 items in mine so yes it is worth it for me. If you are just dipping your toe in the water trying out Folksy then try individuals first.

It depends how many items you want to list. I use the plus system as at £5 per month and 400+ items so for me worth it. I have had more sales since I reopened my shop this year than I had from my own website. A lot less hassle as the promotion side is more fun on here. I started off at per item but a no brainer when I loaded up my website. For me £60 per year is cheaper than £100+ for a website with all the problems.

Hi, thanks so much everyone for your feedback and thoughts on this!:slight_smile: It’s definitely given me something to think about.

There’s a blog post here about the benefits of the Folksy Plus account that might be useful -

It is now £60 a year but it’s broken down into monthly payments of £5 rather than an annual fee.