Trusted Suppliers Directory now LIVE!

:star: The Folksy Trusted Suppliers Directory is now live! :star:|

This is a free resource we’ve created for everyone on Folksy to help you find the materials, tools, services and advice you need to make your creative practice thrive.

We’ve also arranged offers, discounts and workshops for Folksy Plus members to enjoy as part of the membership package.

You can see the whole Directory here - Trusted Suppliers Directory | Folksy

And log into your new Plus page on your Folksy seller dashboard to get the codes and sign up to the free webinars -

We hope you all find it super useful. And let us know if there’s anyone else you’d like to see on there :slightly_smiling_face:


@folksycontent Thank you so very much to you all for all your hard work arranging all of this, it’s fabulous!! Ace to see Wool Warehouse on there too! xxx :heart: :yarn:


It’s wonderful. I can see some purchasing going on for sure. Thank you for all the hard work getting this organised. Greatly appreciated Folksy Content.


Just too late as already ordered. :weary: how do I apply discount with the glass guild website! X

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Wool warehouse have an ongoing discount code anyway. I’ve been getting 10% off every order for years. This folksy code is a plus for those who didn’t know though.


I have taken advantage of the money off the Bovey Tracey craft festival as I had already booked a seat on our community bus to go and tickets to the event were not included so I have saved some money getting my ticket in advance. Thank you @folksycontent for this😆


I always got a discount on wool warehouse when i shopped with them.

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Looks good, unfortunately nothing I need from any of them but if I run out of letterboxes I will try Eco craft, shame they don’t do larger boxes as well as I would have compared prices to my current supplier. I buy everything in bulk from Kite packaging who do good range of different size boxes, tape etc.

I do already use craft cover for my business insurance and would recommend them especially if you want cover for USA.


Looks interesting, thank you. I’m seeing lots of craft supplies that I didn’t know I needed but now feel I can’t live without! :crazy_face:


Have you tried Lovecrafts for yarns? It’s much cheaper than Woolwarehouse for many yarns.

Thank you, I have shopped with love crafts over the years, especially in its previous life as sew for haberdashery, threads etc. The only wool I have bought the past few months is the curly alpaca for dolls hair, I only managed to find it in stock on Wool warehouse. I am trying not to buy any as I have 7 huge tubs full and hardly knit anymore :laughing:.
There is another large online wool shop that I bought a lot from but the name has slipped my mind, will see if I can find it, think they were often cheaper as well.

I have bags and crates of wool yarn I don’t use too. If I chuck them, I know I’ll one day go…“Ah, where’s that nice bag of…” and I’ve gone and binned them. So I don’t.

I know that feeling, I already have enough to last me under the ottoman bed in my sewing room without the tubs in the loft, i recently cleared out some fabrics but havn’t sorted the wool yet. If i lived to be 200 i wouldnt use it all lol :laughing: and thats not looking very likely :laughing: .
I have done that before…got rid of things then looked for them a year later.

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That’s a great selection, thanks!

Would you consider collaborating with sites that do showcases/gift guides with crafters’ work? You did that one year before Christmas, but I can’t find which site that was.

Really useful, thank you!

Thanks Folksy staff - could be really useful.